Kaukauna Times January 1961
By Lyle Hansen
January 4, 1961
Bichler, Superintendent of Kaukauna public schools has issued an appeal for
community cooperation in meeting the growing traffic problems at the High
School. “At present some of our students are driving cars daily to and from school”. He said, “this poses problems of parking,
traffic and noon-hour riding.” “Studies have shown that student ownership of
cars correlates in general to low marks and a rise in juvenile delinquency”.
January 6, 1961
Given the
roles of Annie Oakley and Frank Butler in the Kaukauna High School play “Annie
Get Your Gun”, are Karen Krumm and David Foxgrover, both seniors.
January 11, 1961
Carl Hansen publisher
of the Kaukauna Times Printing Co. presented Melvin Raught with a 50-year pin
from the International Typographic Union.
Raught, 88-year-old Kaukauna pioneer was honored recently with a 50-year pin
from the printer’s union. Mel is currently a resident of the Rose Home on
Kaukauna’s south side. He came to Kaukauna at the age of six with his parents
and older brother Charles in 1879. Mel followed his brother Charles in the
printing trade starting at an early age. Charles owned and managed the Times
for many years and Mel worked with him in operating the printing company.
Kaukauna Board of Education voted to except a recommendation of a report from
the Wisconsin Department of Education to expand the existing high school
building rather than building a new senior high school. A relocation of the
athletic field would be necessary to make room for the expansion. The changes
are necessary due to the increase in enrollment. Currently the school is overcrowded
by 100 students.
January 13, 1961
He drove 31 automobiles 20 times around the world, but he wanted to be a rural mail carrier because of horses. “I loved horses. John Brouchek the Route 2 carrier is retiring after 41 years of service at the Kaukauna Post Office. John recalled “One time in the early 20’s I started out in a sleet storm. The ice was driving into the horse’s face. When I reached the corner at Kelso road, I pulled the reins to the right, but the horse had more sense than me and headed left, back to home.
S. J. Baisch and
Associates, Kaukauna engineering firm, recently moved into their new quarters
on Highland Avenue near Highway 41.
January 18, 1961
Fire damage
in Kaukauna during 1960 was less than any of the past four previous years, according
to a report submitted by fire Chief William Haupt. The total loss for the year
was estimated at $10,000.
The 1961
New Year’s baby in Kaukauna is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Van Cuyk
of Kimberly. The little girl makes for the third year a girl has been the New
Year’s baby at Kaukauna Hospital.
January 25, 1961
One of the
most spectacular fires to hit Kaukauna in more than a decade destroyed two
businesses on West Wisconsin Ave. The Nu-Way Cleaners and the Wisconsin Bar
were destroyed Saturday evening. Losses are expected between $75,000 and
January 27, 1961
Joseph Bayorgeon sent letters of appreciation for assistance rendered help to
the Kaukauna Fireman to fight the fire on Wisconsin Ave. Letters were sent to
the City of Appleton, Village of Little Chute and Thilmany Pulp and Paper each
assisting with men and equipment. No definite plans for opening a new cleaning
business have been made by Mr. and Mrs. Wachel owners of the destroyed Nu-Way
The fund
drive to raise $225,000 to finance the addition of a new wing to the Kaukauna
Community Hospital has gone “Over the Top” according to finance chairman E. H.
January 30, 1961
Norbert D.
Rhinerson will take over as manager of the Kaukauna Electric and Water
Department, succeeding William Ranquette, who is retiring from that position.
Approval of the appointment was made at this month's monthly meeting of the
Kaukauna Utility Commission.
A new class in baton twirling taught by the
former State baton twirling champion, Mrs. Dede Nagan. Left to right back row
are Karen Patterson, Bonnie Berg, Linda Damro, Pat Verkuilen and Leone King. In
the front at left is Mrs. Nagan and at the right is Cathy Bruehl.