Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Time Machine Trip to June 1912

Hello Fellow Time Travelers,

Well it’s time to fire up the old “Time Machine and travel back in time to June of 1912.

For today’s trip Karen Mader will be sitting in the front seat and operating the Time Machine. The big wheel is spinning, the years are clicking back and in no time, we are back on East Second Street on Kaukauna’s Southside.

Charlie has left the papers for us on the chair out front of the Times office.

Charles E. Raught – Owner, Editor & Publisher

Let’s see what’s in the news this month.  

Your old newsman - Lyle Hansen

PS: Common sense is a flower that doesn’t grow in everyone’s garden.

June 7, 1912

The Sheboygan Classes of the Reformed Church is being held in Kaukauna this week. Upwards of fifty pastors and as many laymen representing the church organizations are attending the convention in conjunction with the Classes, the local congregation will celebrate the twenty-fifth anniversary of the Immanuel Church.

About five hundred feet from the streetcar tracks and near the crest of the slope to the Fox river at Combined Locks stands a log barn that is now one of the oldest buildings on the river between Green Bay and Fond du Lac. For many years the old barn stood as a silent sentinel as men would come and men would go and the river flowed on forever the storms soaked its shingles and the hail beat and slivered them till now there is scarcely a whole one left to keep out the wintry snows.

June 14, 1912
Joseph Jansen suffered a severe and painful injury Tuesday at the Combined Locks paper mill by having his thump caught between the rolls of a paper machine.

During the summer season, the Crystal Theatre will be open four night each week - Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday. Excellent pictures will be shown with complete change of program each night. Admission 5 cents. 

Herman Hoehne, after several tests with his Indian Motorcycle, has entered his machine in the June 30 races at Appleton. Mr. Hoehne has one of 4-horse-power which he has enter and with which he hopes to win a prize.  

June 21, 1912
Mrs. Lydia Grignon Freund, wife of Charles Freund, of Oconto, died Friday at the age of 59 years. Mrs. Freund was born in Kaukauna, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Grignon; her grandfather was Augustine Grignon who was the third earliest settler in Grand Kakalin.

Final action in the location of the Outagamie county Sanatorium for the care of tuberculosis patients was completed Wednesday, and the site on the Anton Miller farm in Little Chute was chosen. It is near the Alex Grignon place and runs from the Appleton-Kaukauna Interurban car line down to the bank of the river, below the government locks. The location of the building is said to be ideal, with a deep wooded   background and terrace slope to the Fox River below, and beautiful views of the river scenery in every direction. Bids for the construction of the administration building will be advertising next week and building will commence as soon as possible, as several patients are waiting.

Little Chute was founded on June 8, 1848. It was sixty-four years ago last Friday the Rev. Father Vandenbroek established a small colony of Hollanders in what is now the Village of Little Chute. The band of followers has dwindled to seven survivors in Little Chute and four outside of the village from the original group. The survivors of Father Vandenbroek’s little band are: George, Henry and John Williamson, John Johnson, George Coonen, Mrs. Anna DeGroot, Mrs. Walter Justen, Mrs. R. Verheuven, all of Little Chute; C. H. L. Hamer Kaukauna; Herman Ebben, Freedom; Mrs. John Toonen, Kimberly; Martin Coonen, Darboy.


June 28, 1912
President William Howard Taft and Vice-President James Schoolcraft Sherman were re-nominated by the Republican national convention in Chicago on the first ballot.

Saturday, June 24, 2017

Time Machine Trip to June 1957

Hello Fellow Time Travelers,

It’s that time again to fire up the old “Time Machine Chair” and make a trip back in time.

Today John Vandenberg, is sitting in the driver’s seat. The big wheel is spinning and the years are clicking back. In no time, we are back to Kaukauna’s south side.  We are out front of the Kaukauna Times on the corner of Third Street and Main.

We are now in June of 1957.    

For the music lovers, the top song on the Hit Parade this month is:

Love Letters in the Sand – Pat Boone

Carl Hansen, the publisher, has left the newspapers for us by the front door of the Kaukauna Times. Let’s see what’s in the news this month.

Gary Grissman, my cousin and friend, has stepped off the Time Machine and is now part of history. His smile and family are his legacy. 

God’s Speed Gary, we’ll miss you. 

Your old news man – Lyle

June 5, 1957

Tomorrow and Friday between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., residents of Kaukauna and the entire Fox River Valley area will be given the opportunity to tour one of the city's major industries, as Badger Northland Incorporated holds its first open house, according to Vincent Rohlf, the firm's president.

Senior Jack Coenen and sophomore Gary Vanevenhoven set new individual Kaukauna High school batting marks the last season with averages well over 500 as the Ghosts swept through to six wins in nine starts.

Ed Wettstein was named by his teammates late last week as the honorary baseball captain for the 1958 Kaukauna High School diamond team. Ed the “stopper’ has been a regular with the Ghosts for the past few seasons. 

June 7, 1957
Total of 545 Kaukauna youngsters have been registered for swimming lessons at the Memorial swimming pool this summer, according to Miss Mary Jane Appleton, assistant recreation director.

June 12, 1957
The discontinuance of three Chicago and Northwestern trains serving Kaukauna will probably take effect next Sunday evening according to information received from the Appleton depot.  

Kaukauna’s Boy Scout troop 27 was singled out as the most outstanding troop in the East District by Camp Chiefs at the climax of the three-day Camporee held during the weekend at the Kaukauna recreation area.

Kaukauna’s Order of Sidewalk Superintendents were out in mass Sunday afternoon to “supervise” the destruction of one of the city’s most venerable structures, the C&NW coal tower located in the south side railroad yards.  The tall building was toppled early Sunday afternoon.

June 14, 1957
Fullback Fred Cone became the sixth Packer veteran to sign a contract for the 1957 season according to Coach Lisle Blackbourn. Other veterans who have signed contracts are Quarterbacks Tobin Rote and Bart Starr, Ends Billy Howton and Dick Deschaine and Player-Coach Bobby Dillon. 

Pvt. Robert R. Smith, 17, son of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Smith, 203 W. Third St., Kaukauna, Wis., completed six weeks of advanced individual training June 8 under the packet platoon system at the Army’s Armor Training Center, Fort Knox, Ky.

Construction of the new addition to the Kaukauna Vocational School is now about five weeks behind schedule according to word received from school director, Dominic Bordini. Bad weather and the current strike of carpenters are the main reasons for the delay.

The installation service for the Rev. R. J. Muehl, new pastor of the Bethany Lutheran Church will be held Sunday at 3:00 p.m. at special afternoon services.  Pastor Harold Brauer, vice president of the North Wisconsin District of the Lutheran Church, Missouri Synod, will officiate, with pastors of neighboring congregations participating. Pastor Muehl succeeds the Rev. Paul Schedler as pastor of the Bethany Church.

The 1957 Kaukauna American Legion Picnic got under way this morning at LaFollette Park and will continue through until Sunday evening, according to an announcement by the co-chairman of this year’s event, Al Marzahl and Fred Mason.

June 21, 1957
Pvt. David H. Kobussen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Elwood J. Kobussen, Route 3, Kaukauna, Wis., recently graduated from the supply handling course at the Army’s Quartermaster School, Fort Lee, VA.

Pvt. E2 James E Matchett, son of Mr. & Mrs. Ed Matchett, 101 W. Third Street, Kaukauna, having now completed his basic training and also eight weeks of combat engineering school at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri has been assigned to duty in Alaska, as permanent party in an engineering unit.

The city’s ten playground sponsored a checker tournament this past Monday in another of the continuing efforts to provide Kaukauna youngsters with as many varied activities as possible.
Nicolet’s Senior division winner was Bill Jirikowic; Junior, Joan Sachs; Intermediate, Lynn Patterson and Kris Defferding won the midget prize.
Hennes Park, the Senior award went to David Keough, the Junior to Dan Biselx, the intermediate to Linda Otte and Mary Otte picked up the Midget prize.
Strassburg contestants were headed by the Senior winner Judy Meulemans with the Junior award to Ed Patschke.  The two other division winners were Intermediate, Bob Patschke and the Midget Diane Verhagen.
White City’s slate of winners had Tom Otte in the Senior division and Bob Bootz in the Junior group with Jane Bambery winning in the intermediate section and Mike Jacobson midget.

June 26, 1957

The funeral service for H. F. McAndrews 54, 902 Grignon Street, who served Kaukauna as City Attorney for the past 21 years, was held Tuesday morning at a High Mass from the Holy Cross Catholic Church. He died of a heart attack early Sunday morning at the Kaukauna Community Hospital.

The Parade down Wisconsin Avenue for Huck Finn Day.

Kaukauna’s 1957 Huck and Becky, Lenny Hawley, being selected as Huck Finn, left and Pat Minkebige, being chosen as Becky Thatcher, right are pictured with their new bicycles, which they won at the annual Huckleberry Finn Day observation. Mr. and Mrs. D. J. MacDonald were the judges for this year’s contest. 

June 28, 1957
Kaukauna Fire Chief, William Haupt, and Police Chief, Harold Engerson, this week issued a reminder to Kaukauna residents that it is unlawful to follow fire engines enroute to an emergency call and that motorists may not park within a block of the scene of a fire unless they have an official reason for being present.

The daily vacation church school of Kaukauna Methodist church completed its annual summer session on June 14. The children are pictured with their teachers.

Two Brothers added two sons to their respective families on the same day recently at the Kaukauna Community Hospital. Pictured at left are Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Wallace and son Rickie and at right are Mr. and Mrs. Roland Wallace and son Randy.

The Commanders gavel was relinquished by Arthur Kromer, Jr., third from left to Dave Specht, fourth from the right. The group left to right includes Karl Freier, William Schmutz, Kromer, Lloyd Berkens, district commander and installing officer. Specht, James Ring, Chris Roerig and Ralph Juneau.   

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Time Machine Trip to June 1939

It’s that time again to fire up the old “Time Machine Chair” and make a trip back to June 1939.  

The big wheel is spinning John Lambie is taking his place in the driver’s seat. The years are clicking back and in no time, we are back to Kaukauna’s south side.  We are out front of the Kaukauna Times on Main Street.     
The hit parade song of the month.

Beer Barrel Polka – Will Glahe & his Orchestra   

Carl Hansen, the publisher, has left the newspapers for us by the front door of the Kaukauna Times. Let’s see what’s in the news this month.

PS: Spent a little time with the boys from my class of 1963 last Friday. It was great to reminisce a little. 
Your old news man – Lyle Hansen

June 2, 1939

Rev. Norbert Verhagen, of Kaukauna, was ordained to the priesthood at Green Bay Wednesday. Rev. Verhagen will celebrate his first solemn high mass at St. Nicholas Catholic church at Freedom at 10 o’clock Sunday morning.

Thirty-nine seniors will receive diplomas from the Rev. J. J. Sprangers at the eighth-annual commencement to be held in the St. John high school auditorium, Little Chute Sunday evening.

A new cooling system which was recently installed at the Rialto theatre was pressed into service for the first time Thursday. It is an air conditioning system which uses 60 gallons of water a minute.

Ena Richards, valedictorian and Rosemary O’Neil, salutatorian of the class of 1939 will present their addresses at the commencement exercises at the civic auditorium this evening. The 1939 senior class of Kaukauna High School consists of 105 students, according to J. F. Cavanaugh, superintendent.

June 7, 1939
Edward Ludke took first place in the Pigeon Club race Sunday from Britt, Iowa. Reuter brother took second place. 

June 9, 1939
James E. McFadden, chief of police issued a warning that there will be no swimming allowed in the stone quarry pond this year because of the blasting and other activities occurring there.

The common council Tuesday evening voted unanimously to purchase a new motorcycle for the police department. The bike will cost $185 and $240 will be allowed for the old motorcycle. The new motorcycle will not have a side car.

Poor relief cost for the city is $1.440.36 during May according to a report by Joseph Krahn, relief director.

Ashley Pickens paid a fine of $5 and costs on a speeding charge before Justice Abe Goldin Wednesday.

June 14, 1939
An all-time record of attendance was established by the vocational school this year, according to a report received by William T. Sullivan, director. There were 826 students enrolled in the day and night courses with 26 subjects being offered.

Former students of Kaukauna high school from far and near, 400 strong, attended the fourth annual rally of the Alumni association Saturday evening. There were 300 at the dinner, served by the band mothers and another 100 came later for the dancing to the music of the Berg’s orchestra. Members of the class of 1939 and high school instructors were guests of the association.

June 16, 1939
George Schubring was elected commander of the Kaukauna Post No. 41 of the American Legion at a recent meeting to succeed Joseph Promer.

June 21, 1939
Frank Schmidt was named King of the Schut at the ninetieth anniversary celebration of St. Francis Schut society at Hollandtown Sunday morning when he brought down the last piece of the wooden bird perched on the 80-foot pole. There were 506 shots taken at the target before the king was named.

Robert Miller, 8-year-old son, of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Miller fell into the government third lock here Monday afternoon and drowned. Henry Mau, lock tender saw the youth fall in and jumped in after him but was unable to rescue the boy.

The Climax of the second annual national professional and amateur outboard motor boat races Sunday at Riverside park in Kaukauna was winning of the Governor Heil trophy by Joe Micheline of Evanston, Ill. The trophy was presented by Kaukauna Mayor L. F. Nelson. 

The formal opening of the Service Hardware company located at 159 West Wisconsin avenue is taking place this week. The store, which was formerly the Butler-Dietzler hardware is now operated by Carl Anderson and Harold Kiffe.   

 June 23, 1939
A car owned by Edward Fink crashed through the front window of the Gamble store on West Second Street Sunday evening. Fink cranked his car while it was in gear and the vehicle went through the window before he could get it under control.

Several of the Packers who reside in Green Bay have taken up softball as training for the football season. Hank Bruder, Buckets Goldenberg, Clark Hinkle ant Milt Gantenbein are among the gridders who are exercising on the diamond several times a week.  

June 28, 1939
Seventeen-year-old Nicholas Vidales and his sister Rosa, 11, were doctors for a day last week when they delivered a seven-pound baby boy to their 13-year-old sister Angela, at their farm home near Forest Junction. Their father Antonio was not at home at the time as he was looking for employment as a beet worker. Mother and baby were taken to Green Bay by the county nurse. Both are reported doing well.

Six hundred boy scouts of the Valley Council attended the annual camporee held at the Clintonville park over the weekend. Thirty-five troops were represented.

June 30, 1939

Phil Zwick, the “Wisconsin Flash”, is scheduled to meet Nick Peters in the ring of the Hollywood, California, stadium tonight. Although Zwick is in excellent shape for the fight he received a badly cut eye at the gym last Friday. 

Saturday, June 17, 2017

Time Machine Trip to June 1889

Hello Fellow Time Travelers,

Well it’s time to fire up the old “Time Machine Chair” and travel back in time to June 1889.

For today’s trip Joann Mau will be sitting in the front seat operating the Time Machine. The big wheel is spinning; the years are clicking back and in no time, we are back on East Second Street on Kaukauna’s Southside.

Editor Charles Raught has left the papers on the chair in front of the Times building. Let’s see what’s in the news this month.

Your old newsman – Lyle Hansen 

June 7, 1889
The Holland Catholic Church congregation will build a new church edifice during the present year.  Rev. Fr. Bongers, pastor, will give as his own personal contribution, a fine clock for the tower, facing four directions, which will strike the hours, halves, and quarters so loudly it may be heard over the whole city. This will do away with the necessity of ringing the town bell by the city officials. The gift is a splendid one, and will cause the donor to be held in grateful remembrance so long as the bell tolls forth the hour.

About 3,000,000 bricks will be used in the construction of the Kimberly Clark mill at the Cedars.

Shawano dispatch says that the daredevil who robbed three stage coaches in this vicinity recently has had a reward of $1,000 offered for his capture. This Black Bart or whatever he calls himself turned up this morning in Bonduel, a little town fifteen miles from here. He walked quietly into a general store and at the muzzle of the usual revolver compelled Sol Kann the owner to give up all his money and his gold watch. Then the robber jumped into a wagon that was standing in front of the store and drove the team on a dead run on the road toward Gillette.

The London “Jack the Ripper,” has been at his horrible work again. The terrible mutilated remains of another woman were found in the Thames Monday.

The lake above Johnstown, Pa. was several hundred feet above the level of the devastated towns when the dam failed. The wall of water flooded the towns along the valley sweeping everything away in its path. It is estimated that fully 30.000 people lived in the torrent-swept valley that not less than 8,000 were drowned. Another 900 persons died in a fire that consumed the bridge that they had taken refuge upon.

Wing Lee, proprietor of the south side laundry who had his property damaged by a mob that recent made a raid upon his wash shop, has filed claim of damage against the city of Kaukauna for $550.  

June 14, 1889
A dispatch from Rosebud, Dak., - At a council last night June 9, Hollow Horn Bear and High Hawk withdrew from the opposition to sell their land. This breaks up the unfriendly element and insures the acceptance of the terms of cessions of the surplus land of the great Sioux reservation. 

One of the elevated seat stands in the rear part of the opera house gave away during the performance, causing quite a commotion for a few moments. Fortunately, no one was hurt.

Manager Hayes has decided not to pay the $100 license and will close the opera house. This means no more shows for Kaukauna.

Seattle, W.T., It is now estimated that the total loss to the city by the fire in buildings alone, is $10,000,000, and that all personal losses will reach $2,000,000. Many people must have perished in the flames.  The entire business portion of Seattle is nothing but smoking ruins.   

Sitting Bull is dying of pneumonia. Many will only leave a sigh of relief when they know he has turned up his toes and has gone to the happy hunting grounds.

June 21, 1889
Robert Green and Gus Geist had a narrow escape from going over the government dam. They were out in a row boat and getting too close to the dam; the boat became unmanageable and was soon carried to the crest of the dam. Upon seeing that they would be carried over and down the rapids the young men jumped into the water and clung to the ends of the boards that compose the dam and succeeded after a while in getting to shore.

Buffalo Bill has sent the proceeds of one of his performances to the Johnstown sufferers, the amount being $2000.

June 28, 1889
The machinery for the Thilmany Paper Company's new mill is arriving daily now. The work on the institution is progressing rapidly.

C. H. Finnegan has the contract for hauling all the stone used in the construction of the new Thilmany mill.  

There were five to six hundred strangers in the city Sunday. The picnic of the Sons of Herman was held at Eden Park. 

  A River Boat Excursion in Kaukauna