Monday, September 27, 2021

Time Machine Trip to September 1951

Kaukauna Times - September 1951

By Lyle Hansen

September 5, 1951

Pfc. Roland Huss a paratrooper stationed at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, is home spending a 7-day furlough in Kaukauna with his parents.

Pvt. Carl Hammen, Little Chute, arrived home to spend a 2-week furlough. He is stationed at Fort Hood, Tex.

Staff Sergeant Theodore Wiedenbeck, who is stationed with the army air force at Fort Worth, Texas arrived home for a 2-week furlough with his parents, route 3 Kaukauna.

Corporal John Wirth, Combined Locks, is leaving tomorrow for Fort Sheridan, Illinois after a month leave with his parents. He has served the past ten months with the army in Korea.

September 7, 1951

Sergeant James Siebers is spending a 12-day furlough with is mother on Third street. He is currently stationed at Camp Pickett, Va. Upon his return to camp, he will be sent to the Pacific.

Perhaps the happiest household in Kaukauna Saturday evening was the Peter Coonen resident on W. Sixth street. Corporal Ralph “Tuffy” Coenen, who hadn’t been home in two and one-half years arrived from Tokyo, Japan where he is stationed in the army.

The Labor Day parade through Kaukauna saw the streets lined with spectators.


September 12, 1951

Corporal George Hibbard is home spending a fifteen-day furlough with his family on Crooks avenue. Corporal Hibbard is currently stationed with the Army at Victoryville, California.

Seaman Apprentice Donald Kessler is returning to Great Lakes after spending a 14-day leave with his parents on Kaukauna street.

Pvt. Harold Hennes arrived Saturday from Fort Hood, Texas, to spend a furlough with his parents on Fifteenth street. 

Fred Mason was seated as the new commander of the Kaukauna American post No. 41 last Tuesday evening at the Legion hall.


September 14, 1951

Corporals Clifford and Eugene Van Der Steen, Third street, are spending a 30-day furlough at home with their parents after serving 13 months in Korea.   

Miss Ceil Flynn, Kaukauna city nurse, was elected president of the Appleton district at the State Nurses’ association last Wednesday.

Milwaukee Sentinel – When you’re counting physical marvels don’t forget Phil Zwick. Yup, the Kaukauna Flash, as skinny as ever, is still in there punching for pay and doing right well despite the fact that he is years beyond boxing’s customary retirement age.  

September 19, 1951

Starting with city and county officials Monday, the Thilmany Pulp and Paper Company began its three-week open house for townspeople and employees. For some time now the Thilmany Company has been involved in several major changes that will modernize the plant and make the plant capable of producing more efficiently and much faster. The company has a new power plant, a new barker, and many new machines that bring the mill up to present day standards. The growth of the Thilmany plant is a major step in the growth of Kaukauna.

Clifford G. Vande Yacht, who is serving with the army air force has been promoted to private first class. Vande Yacht has been transferred to Steward Air Force Base at Newburgh, N. Y.

September 21, 1951

Mrs. Harriette Plzak, who was seriously injured in an automobile accident June 30 of this year returned home Wednesday from St. Elizabeth hospital, Appleton. Her husband, Ray Plzak, died of injuries in the accident. They were passengers in the auto driven by Frank Mitchler of Kaukauna. Harriette’s three Plzak sons are staying with their uncle Lawrence Plzak of Green Bay. 

Pvt. Elaine Warnecke, 18, W. Eighth street, has completed her Air Force basic training course at Lackland Air Force Base, San Antonio, Texas.

September 26, 1951

About 450 persons have taken advantage of the conducted tours through the Thilmany Pulp and Paper company since the start of the tours last week.


Second Lieutenant George Foegen, Lawe street, left this week for Fort Sam Houston, Texas, where he will report for active duty with the Army Medical corps. 

September 28, 1951

Pvt. Paul Nespbor arrived home from Fort Bliss, Texas last week to spend a twelve-day furlough with his parents on East 2nd street.

Miss Norma Buetow 108 McKinley street is engaged to marry Howard Hoehne Route 3, Kaukauna. No wedding date has been set.


Miss Dorothy Van Eperen, route 1 Greenleaf is the bride of William Lamers, route 3 Kaukauna.

Miss Rosemary De Leeuw route 1 Kaukauna became the bride of Joseph H. Krauss of Appleton.


Miss Martha Van Grinsven, Little Chute, became the bride of Milton Vanden Bosch of Kaukauna.


Miss Rosemary Haessly, Brothers street, exchanged vows with John Brenzel, Whitney street, at Holy Cross church. 


Miss Joan Conrad, Fifth street, married Ronald Winkler, route 1 Greenleaf, at St. Mary’s church.


Miss Arlette Blaha, W. Seventh street, became the bride of Glen H. Meinert, Grant street, at Trinty Evangelical Lutheran church. 






Friday, September 24, 2021

Time Machine Trip to September 1941


Kaukauna Times - September 1941

By Lyle Hansen

September 3, 1941


The Mellow Brew baseball team defeated Two Rivers 8-6 to win the championship of the Fox River Valley Baseball league. Bottom row left to right Peck, Lefty Diedrich, manager Danny Collins, Kappell, Vils, Wagester, Van Drasek; top row, Miller, secretary, Carl Schuler, M. Busse, Van Cuyk, R. Diedrich, Gib Busse and Johnny Rowe.


John Weiler, of Kaukauna, was one of thirteen young men to receive the white habit of the Norbertine order in a solemn service Thursday morning in St. Joseph’s church West De Pere.  All the young men left Thursday afternoon for the Norbertine novitiate at Madison where they will spend a year in prayer. They will return to De Pere next August 28. 

Coach Paul Little had a group of 25 high school gridders report Monday for practice. 

September 5, 1941

The J. J. Kobussen and Son company was engaged to transport southside students to Park school during the present term according to the board of education. The Kobussen bid was $12 monthly. The students will be picked up in the morning and returned to the southside after the school day.


Patrolman Oscar Jahns

A request for a $5 per month raises for the Kaukauna firemen and policemen was filed with the common council by a committee representing the two departments Tuesday evening. Patrolman Oscar Jahns of the police force, who was at the meeting, was asked to comment on the matter of the increase in wages. Jahns state that all major industries in Kaukauna have received raises and the police and firemen feel that it is right that we should ask for a little increase.

The common council Tuesday evening voted 8 to 1 to lay asphalt paving on Eight and Ninth streets. Alderman Ray Nagel cast the only dissenting vote.

September 10, 1941

The second selective service quota this month includes two Kaukauna residents. They are Leo Vanderheiden, route 2 and Donald Kobs, Doty street.

Pfc Laurence Nushardt, of Park street, stationed at Pendleton field, Oregon was recently promoted to the grade of corporal. 

September 19, 1941

The Cleveland Rams arrived in Milwaukee for three days of intensive drill in preparation for the National Football league game Sunday with the Green Bay Packers at State Fair park. Clark, the Rams’ coach scouted Lambeau and company at Green Bay the past weekend and he saw plenty as the Packers proceeded to take the Detroit Lions into camp by a 23-0 count.

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Time Machine Trip to September 1961


Kaukauna Times – September 1961

By Lyle Hansen

September 1, 1961


A safety award was presented recently to Mayor Joseph Bayorgeon and Police Chief Harold Engerson from the AAA Wisconsin Division for Kaukauna’s absence of pedestrian fatalities in 1960.


Rennicke’s Beer Depot – Case Beer $2.29 each or 5 for $10.00


Red Owl – Pork chops or spareribs, your choice 39c lb.




September 6, 1961

Robert Derus become golf champion of the Fox Valley club for the 11th time Sunday as he led the field by 6 strokes in the 36-hole tournament with a score of 143. Ves Hanby ’58 champion and Wayne Hull ’60 champion, tied for second with 149.


September 8, 1961

Contributions have started coming in for the Phil Zwick medical fund, which was organized by a group of Kaukauna sports fans. Phil’s boxing career began in the early 20’s as a teenager in Kaukauna. His last fights were in the early 50’s.  His flashing fists nearly won him the world’s championship in 1940, when he battled the reigning champ which ended in a draw. He boxed around the world from Australia and South Africa defeating seven foreign champions, five by knockouts. Phil has suffered with medical problems over recent years. He had moved to Vallejo, California in the 40’s where he worked for the police department.


Whooping it up for the Kaukauna High School Galloping Ghost varsity teams this year are these six girls. Left to right Kay Malsavage, Judy Sommers, Lindy Kemp, Janet Reuter, Kay Hartzheim and Sandy Vanevenhoven.


September 20, 1961

14 girls will lead cheers at KHS games for the coming year.  They were chosen by six faculty members and five student council representatives. The girls were judged based on voice, quality, enthusiasm and appearance.  Miss Shelby Lemke is the school advisor for the group.


September 29, 1961

The Kaukauna common council and Mayor Joseph Bayorgeon were presented an estimate for construction of an addition to Kaukauna High School by superintendent of schools Julian Bickler. The citizens of Kaukauna will soon be faced with a bond issue for 1 ½ Million Dollars to finance the construction.