Thursday, June 13, 2024

Time Machine Trip to June 1924

Kaukauna Times – June 1924

By Lyle Hansen

June 5, 1924

Word has been given the shop employees at the Chicago and Northwestern shop here that twenty men will be laid off at the end of this month.


Charles E. Welter of this city has presented Kaukauna Post #41. American Legion with an interesting souvenir of the Civil War days which is in the form of a large, lithographed copy of the roster of Company A, 9th. Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry recruited at Sheboygan September 3, 1861, and mustered into the U. S. Service October 6th, 1861. The roster which is appropriately decorated and national colors and contains images of famous generals of the period. The item was the property of Mr. Walton's father, a member of the company, and will be hung in the Legion headquarters within a few days.


The Kaukauna Board of Education has recently retained the services of Appleton attorneys. The Board of Education has received notice of a suit by two Kaukauna school teachers who claimed a breach of contract on the part of the school board. It will be recalled that these two teachers were affected by the recent decision of the Board of Education not to employ any married teachers in the public schools, although the teachers had a signed contract for the ensuing year.


June 12, 1924

John Coppes is once more entitled to be addressed "Your Majesty" and to wear the robes of state which adorn the portly form of the “King of the Schut”.


Kromer’s Comers Front row seated Junior Cooper, Walton, George Phillips, Royal Stegeman, Ray Gertz, Kneeling, Al “Bud” Sager, John Phillips, William Hass, Frank Melchiors, Frank Hintz, John Zink. Third row, Alex Fehr, Clarence Perry, Norbert Kilgas, George “Stormy” Kromer, Ed Lemere and Ves Macrorie.


Appleton pride took a bad tumble last Sunday when Stormy Kromer’s state leaguers plucked the inflatable balloon, and his home team applied the match which caused the explosion. Stormy’s leaguers met the fellows who had hollered their heads off in an effort to oust Kaukauna from the state league as Stormy’s ball players were not considered fast enough. Sunday’s game ended 4 to 1 in Kaukauna’s favor has given Appleton a sour taste. The Appleton fans razzed the hometown team and cheered Kaukauna on to victory. Kromer’s Comers ran circles all around the Appleton boys.

June 19, 1924

The Tri-County Stock Fair held its monthly fair day last Saturday in Kaukauna. More than twenty-four hundred pigs were sold during the event.

The Oneida Indian band, from the reservation, was present and more than did their part in drawing crowds. The attractions of the Oneidas proved to be real, and many people enjoyed the costumes and the dances they performed.

June 26, 1924

Lieutenant Russell L. Maugham on Monday established a new record in long distance flying when he flew from New York to San Francisco in 21 hours, 47 minutes and 45 seconds. Lt. Maugham made five stops for refueling his biplane "Stick" during the trip. Seventy-five years ago, the west was three months from the east and today less than 24 hours.

Word has been received here to the effect that the railroad shops will be closed in two weeks beginning next Saturday. About 122 men are affected by the closing. All departments will be shut down except the roundhouse, which will operate as usual. Scarcity of work is said to be the cause.

Tuesday evening at about 9:00 pm a Ford car belonging to John Hiting, Beaulieu hill, ran into a Buick roadster owned by Junior Cooper at the corner of Lawe and Doty streets. The crash was terrible in almost no time, a crowd had gathered at the scene of the disaster. Fortunately, no one was hurt, but both cars were severely damaged. The wrecking apparatus of the Van Lieshout garage was called into service and both cars were towed across the street into the garage for repairs.

Kaukauna Post Office, Left to right Adolph Mill “Postmaster” Fred Milz “Assistant postmaster” City carriers: August Carnot, Arthur Schubring, Carl Swedberg, Harry Treptow, Alphonse Berens: clerks: Genevieve DeBruin, Flora Seifert, Own Kitto; rural carriers: John Kobussen, Levi Rupert, Theo Smits, John Brouchek, John Van Dyke; Mail messenger; George Anderson; special delivery messenger: Melvin Trams.


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