Saturday, June 15, 2024

Time Machine Trip to June 1934


Kaukauna Times – June 1934

By Lyle Hansen

June 1, 1934


         Miss Dorthy Miller           Miss Genevieve Burns

Miss Dorthy Miller is valedictorian of the senior class of 1934 Kaukauna high school. Miss Genevieve Burns is the salutatorian of the class. Miss Miller received an average of 94.78 for her four years in high school and Miss Burns received an average of 94.27 per cent.


William Duffy was awarded the A. M. Lang trophy at the class night exercises. 


The swimming pool, Reichel Ice pond and the fourth lock have been named as the swimming spots for the summer. The locations will be open from 9 to 12 o'clock and 1:30 to 9:30 in the evening. Andrew Whittaker will be in charge of the Ice pond and Gordon Ristau will be in charge of the fourth lock.


Kaukauna Department Chief O. E. Roberts retired on May 21. Mr. Roberts, who is 65 years of age, has been a member of the department for the past 28 years.


June 5, 1934

Francis Van Dracek, age 15 years, of this city was saved from drowning at the fourth government lock Friday afternoon by Roy Derus who noticed him floundering in deep water.   


June 8, 1934

The name of the tourist park was changed to Riverside Park at a meeting of the park board Tuesday evening.

James W. Lang, of Kaukauna a junior at St. Norbert college, is playing the leading role in the school production, “The Fall Guy.”


June 12, 1934

After 32 years' association with the Herman T. Runte Company as an employee and part owner, Henry Minkebige has sold his interest in the concern and has purchased outright the business, stock and goodwill of the grocery department of the Runte store.

Hugh O’Connell, former Kaukauna resident, is currently starring in the acclaimed Broadway hit “The Milky Way”.

June 15, 1934


Ralph De Palma, the famous racing driver, was seen yesterday afternoon when he stopped in Kaukauna to visit his former nurse. Mrs. G. J. Flanagan, nee Margret McCarty, who was on duty as his nurse following the worst crash of his career. The crash occurred during the state fair at Milwaukee in the fall of 1912.

The work of razing the old water reservoir on Taylor Street has begun this week and with its removal but few of this type will remain standing in the state. The new tank, built directly behind the Outagamie Rural Normal School building, presents an impressive appearance and is indeed a worthwhile improvement for the city. The new tank is forty feet in diameter as compared to 20 feet in diameter for the old tank and provides four times as much water for each foot of height in the tank. The abutments for the new tank were built under the direction of Ray McCarty, a Kaukauna contractor, and about ten men were employed. The steel work was erected by the Pittsburgh-Des Moines Steel Company of Chicago.


June 19, 1934


William Van Lieshout, auto dealer, passed away Sunday morning at a Green Bay hospital from injuries received in an automobile accident near De Pere last Tuesday.

Bill Kuchelmeister started on the mound for the Kaws. The Kaukauna All-Star softball team won another game in the State Diamond Ball League Sunday when they out-slugged Kimberly in a free hitting game, 13 to 11.

June 29, 1934

John Kobussen, Kaukauna rural mail carrier, will retire July 1 after having completed 30 years of service. Mr. Kobussen has watched wide changes in both rural and urban development during his years with the postal system and enjoys telling of his experiences with the weather and the people he knew on his route.

Kaukauna High School
Graduates - 1934

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