Thursday, August 1, 2024

Time Machine Trip to August 1884


Kaukauna Times - August 1884

By Lyle Hansen

August 1, 1884


The wall of the south half of the round house is rapidly nearing completion. It is built after the style of the north half, with many improvements in its construction.

A gang of seventeen horse thieves were captured in Oregon on the 28th. The leaders were hung, and the remainder turned over to the authorities. 

An elderly lady of refined manners entered the Customhouse yesterday. She was directed to a desk where she was required to take an oath. “You’ll have to swear to this madam” the deputy instructed her. She watched as the deputy made out the papers this being done, He said to her do you swear to this madam?” She stated, “God have mercy on me – Damn it.”

Many ladies of questionable reputation have worked their way into the flats and houses and city agents are very careful. In Cincinnati the agent of the landlord followed a scheme that worked for a time. Each month this agent would make his round and when he came to the room of any lady of questionable character he would chuck her under the chin. Some of the ladies would smile and not protest but if the lady would protest as insulted that would indicate a good tenant. 

August 8, 1884

One day this week Officer Conlon gathered in a party, who was overloaded with tangle juice, and placed him in the granary of the American House Barn, for safe keeping; but finding a fastening to the window, it would be a clever trick to escape, which he did.  This is another evidence that we need a lock up.


For a small piece of ground, an island, Cuba has undue importance in the international world. No larger than the state of New York and a population of less than 1,200,000.  Cuba is now principally used by Spain as a retreat for soldiers to end their days. Over half of the sugar and three-fourths of the molasses imported into the United States comes from this little island being $56,000,000 in 1883.

August 15, 1884

Prices at Hall's market: All steaks, 12 1/2 cents; roasts, 10 cents; soup meats, 7 cents; corn beef 7 cents, pork 10 cents.

New York City – About 2:05 in the afternoon of the 10th the residents of New York were started by a severe shock of an earthquake lasting about 10 seconds. Church bells rang throughout the city as the buildings shook. People were thrown to the floor and crockery was upset. People who were seated experienced such a feeling as is felt in the ocean during a gale. One peculiarity is the fact that the very largest and most solid buildings in the city were most shocked while the smaller were hardly damaged,  

August 22, 1884

Kaukauna’s first baseball team Standing “Slowy” Sharp, Chas, Raught, Al Daily, Ike Johnson and George Butler. Seated John Watson, Chas. Neuman, “Tug” Wilson, and Alex Reider.

The Kaukauna baseball team took on an Appleton 9 in a game Sunday last. The score was 22 to 2 in favor of Kaukauna.

Benjamin Franklin’s bequest of $1,000 to the city of Boston as trustee of a fund to be lent to young mechanics now amounts to $291,000. When he made the bequest in 1791, he calculated that the accumulation would amount to $582,000 in 1891. He was a close calculator, but it seems he miscalculated the leakages to the funds by Boston borrowers and city administrators.

It cost 5 cents to cross in a boat from Laredo, Tex., to Nuevo Laredo, Mexico and 10 cents to return. It is cheaper getting into Mexico than getting out.

The secretary of the Chinese embassy says there are many articles made by machine in America that would find a market in China. The introduction of machinery in that country would revolutionize all the work done by hand and increase the productivity of Chinese labor fivefold.


"My child what makes you such a bad girl?” “Well Mamma I ‘spose God sent you the best children he could find; if they don’t suit you, I can’t help it.” 

A three-year-old, noticing at table that her grandfather had shaved off his full beard, explained “Grandpa, whose head you got on?”


August 29, 1884

During the severe windstorm on Wednesday, a barn belonging to Mr. John Garvey was blown down, damaging it to the extent of $100.


The Philadelphia Ledger remarks that if people give half as much attention to their diet as they do to schemes for recovering their health after it has been impaired, they will run very little risk of needing the advice of a doctor.


Redwood forests in California are nearly diminishing, as this wood is used in buildings on the west coast.


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