Thursday, September 12, 2024

Time Machine Trip to September 1914


Kaukauna Times & Sun – September 1914

By Lyle Hansen

September 4, 1914

C. E.  Raught carried Outagamie County, but John Reynolds of Green Bay carried many of the northern counties and obtained the Republican nomination for Congressman of the ninth district.


News from the war. The German forces annihilated three Russian army corps and with the taking of 70,000 prisoners.


September 11, 1914

The county highway commissioner at Brillion is presently hiring teams and men for highway work. Wages for men are 22 1/2 cents per hour.


The present enrollment at the Kaukauna High School is 138. Soon the seating capacity will be inadequate. The freshman class is the largest ever with 58 students at present. 


September 18, 1914

William Van Dyke, proprietor of the Vaudette theatre has remodeled the south side motion picture theatre.


September 25, 1914

Hilgenberg Brother’s new bowling alleys in the building adjoining their billiard hall and barber shop on Wisconsin Avenue are now open and ready for bowlers.

William Tennessen will open a new blacksmith shop in the building on Main Avenue. The space in the shop which has been used for horseshoeing will be used as a garage for the care of automobiles.

Kaukauna boys brought back the purses from the Chilton fair which were hung up for the auto and motorcycle races. Herman Hoehne with a Buick Special won the five-mile auto race, time 7:42. Peter Feller with a Ford, covered the same distance in 9:26. Leo Ristau, Ed. Vandenberg and John Theisen were the three Kaukauna entries in the motorcycle races. Something went wrong with Vandenberg’s machine at the start, and he was forced to dismount and do some adjusting. By the time it started again the others were about a half mile ahead of him, but he gained on them and proceeded to win the race.

Editor’s note: John Theisen’s farm was on the corner of 7th and Eden Avenue. He operated the Star Bottling company at that location. When he died, he left a Model T Ford to a neighbor man and a 1914 Indian motorcycle to a neighbor boy.  

Four Sisters of Mercy and a number of wounded were killed by a German shell that exploded in the cathedral at Reims on Monday. The sisters were caring for wounded French and German soldiers.

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