Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Time Machine Trip to September 1964

Kaukauna Times

By Lyle Hansen

September 2, 1964

Bruce Warner was presented an Outstanding Service Award by the Kaukauna Kiwanis Club president Harold Hahler at a recent meeting at the Legion Club. Mr. Warner headed the Kiwanis Scholarships program and helped with other award projects made by the club. Mr. and Mrs. Warner left this week for Mankato, Minnesota where he will be with the State College there.

Marvin Hooyman, Scoutmaster of Troop 31 has just returned from participating in a Farm-City Conference at Philmont Scout Training Center, Cimarron, New Mexico. He and his wife received a scholarship on the basis of outstanding leadership in Scouting, Church, Civic and other community organizations.


September 4, 1964

Kaukauna summer tennis tournament champions. Left to right Edward Lutzow, Thomas Kobin, Donald Priebe, Dan Egan, Mark Kobin and Pat Casperson. Tennis instructor Harold Kobin presented the trophies.

The first day of school was a real lark for one kindergartener Philip Hansen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Hansen. When Phil was dismissed at the conclusion of his school day, and he saw some fellow students enter the school bus he joined them. He enjoyed his tour of the countryside which ended back at school. The driver asked him where he lived, and he said 420 Whitney Street just three blocks from school.

Four young men from Kaukauna, Scott Schuler, Bob Ludke, Tom Jansen and Jack Diedrich, returned this week from a Florida vacation which was highlighted by a visit from hurricane “Cleo”. They were at Fort Lauderdale when the severe tropical storm struck and were inside a hotel throughout the duration of the storm. They said they saw a great amount of destruction. 


September 9, 1964

Rev. Sylvester Borusky

St. Aloysius Catholic parish on the south side of Kaukauna will become official this week with the appointment of a new parish pastor. The announcement was made by the most Rev. Stanislaus V. Bona, Bishop of Green Bay. The Rev. Sylvester Borusky will assume the new duties Thursday. St. Aloysius will be a division from St. Mary's parish.


September 11, 1964

Stockholders of the Fox Valley golf club located in the village of Combined Locks will vote Tuesday on whether or not to sell the present golf club and build a new one in a different location. President Francis Demerath emphasized that it is of great importance for every stockholder to be present or to vote by proxy. 

Norm Masters, offense left tackle on the Green Bay Packers, center said that training for football is like training for life, as he addressed Kaukauna High School football team at the annual Lions Club dinner for them Monday at the Elks club. Left to right are Phil Haas, Lions club, Dan Bay, Bob Promer and Bob Main, KHS players and Coach Harry Wilson. 

A recommendation that the city purchased property on which to construct the new elementary school for the City of Kaukauna is expected to be made at the regular meeting of Kaukauna common council next Tuesday according to Ald. Gilbert Anderson, chairman of the committee.

September 16, 1964

Dwight Bastian, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bastian, won first place in the oratory division of the National Inter-collegiate Peace Speech Association contest.

Men’s golf champions for the 1964 at the Fox Valley Golf club received their trophies at a special dinner. Left to right are Art Wildenberg, Harold DeBruin, Ves Hanby, Gene Walker and Orville Kloes. 

Women golf winners for the season received their trophies at the Fox Valley Golf club’s awards dinner. Left to right are Mrs. Ted Maas, Mrs. Wayne Hull, Mrs. Omer Wolfgram, Mrs. Richard Walker and Mrs. Robert Bootz.

Backfield coach Kenneth Roloff, on the left meets with three of his returning lettermen at the first practice session. Players standing left to right are Bob Promer and Gary Schubring and kneeling Mike Andrews.

September 18, 1964

Former tackle and present center Bob Skoronski, of the Green Bay Packers will be the principal speaker Monday evening as the Kaukauna Lions Club conducts its 29th annual football banquet for the Kaukauna High School football team.

Members of the Fox Valley golf club voted Tuesday to sell the present 9-hole course and clubhouse in the Village of Combined Locks and proceed with the construction of a new 18-hole course. The club holds an option on a 159-acre tract in the Town of Freedom 5 1/2 miles north of Kaukauna.

Authorization was given to the city finance committee to proceed with the purchase of approximately 30 to 35 acres of land for school sites at a cost between $70,000 and $80,000. School superintendent Julian Bichler told the Council that time was against the school board and that an elementary school must be ready by September 1966.

September 25, 1964

The new Hiawatha-Pioneer signs, yellow and black, can be seen throughout the state. The 2,000-mile trail officially opened this summer and is expected to aid travelers in our state to find the historic sights through the state.

Production at both the upper and lower mills of Thilmany Pulp and Paper Company came to a halt Thursday morning when the bottom of a crane car brushed against the high-tension line causing a short circuit. Lucky Baer, power superintendent, reported that the line involved was a primary line connecting the two mills thus shutting off the power at both sites. No injuries were reported, and the power was on within half an hour.

The Assistant Principal Jerome Kroll of Kaukauna High School announced today that four of the school students have been named semifinalist in the 1964-65 Merit Scholarship competition. The students cited for their high achievement are Wayne Steinbach, Janet Osborn, John Martens and David Schwalenberg.

September 30, 1964

Miss Jill Hardtke received the National Miss Poppy Publicity Award at the American Legion Convention held last week In Dallas, Texas. Jill is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elroy Hardtke 1713 Green Bay Road and is a seventh-grade student at Trinity Lutheran School.

Patrick W. Hopfensperger, right, was recently named the “Safest Teen-Age Driver” of the community by the National Safe Teen-Age Driver Award program.  He was presented with the award by Kaukauna Vocational school driver education instructor William Mittelstaedt.  He made the highest score locally in a 100 question test this past May. A total of 100 students from Kaukauna High School took the test. 

What started out as a reasonably close game Friday evening rapidly developed into a wholesale rout as the Galloping Ghost rolled to a 31-7 victory over the Indians of Shawano with the Kaws awesome ground attack repeatedly blasting its way through the Tribe's defenders. On the second series of downs Kaukauna quarterback Bob Main launched in aerial to Bob Promer 24 yards. then Stan Dercks doing most of the work got the ball to the four then Bob Promer plowed in for the score.


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