Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Time Machine Trip to January 1905


Kaukauna Times

By Lyle Hansen

January 6, 1905

The attendance at the ice rink is still large concert evenings. Despite the storm Wednesday evening the crowd was large, and the management made a special effort to keep the ice clear for the skaters although several inches of snow fell in the meantime. A number of sweepers were busy all the evening brushing the ice surface.


The South Kaukauna post office is to be moved. It is to be placed in the new vacant store building adjoining the Grand View Hotel.



January 13, 1905

Just as a customer was about to leave J. G. Fechter's store last Saturday he paused at the door to light a cigar and in scratching a match the head flew off and landed midst the cotton trimmed display window in front of the jewelry department. With a flash the cotton ignited, and, in a few seconds, the whole window was enveloped in flames. Chunks of snow from the outside were immediately thrown on the fire and the flames soon subdued but not until several hundred dollars’ worth of goods were damaged.


Fifty freight cars will arrive at Kimberly in the very near future carrying the two paper machines for the new plant. It will take at least two months to get them in readiness to run.

The Railway Y.M.C.A. has announced that last year over 51,000 lunches were served over the counter and sleeping rooms were used 6,400 times.


January 20, 1905

The new paper mill at Kimberly will be provided with an electric plant that will cost nearly $100,000. Five beaters will be driven by motors and also nine super calendars. The entire mill will be lit by arc and incandescent light. It is expected that the new plant will be in operation by the first of June.


January 27, 1905

All the merchants of Kaukauna have signed an agreement to close their places of business four evenings each week at 6:30. Mondays and Saturdays, the stores will remain open and the 20th and 21st of each month.

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