Sunday, February 9, 2025

Time Machine Trip to February 1905

Kaukauna Times

By Lyle Hansen


February 3, 1905

If the Kaukauna groundhog crawled out yesterday just to experiment with his shadow, he was a tardy big chump and has undoubtedly been nursing frozen ears since paying for the foolhardy act. Tuesday and Wednesday were the coldest days of the winter to date. The thermometer registered 26 degrees below zero.


Wm. C. Ditter was quite seriously burned about the face Thursday morning while attending the furnace at St. Mary’s church. Extra heat was required due to the extremely cold weather. He opened the furnace door to stroke the coal the extra air resulted in a back blast.


February 10, 1905

The Thilmany Pulp and Paper Mills of this city have for some time been conducting the experiment of the use of electricity in running one of their paper machines. They have successfully demonstrated this method on their number four machine by a motor driven from electric power obtained from the Kaukauna Electric Light Company, which was temporarily installed for that purpose. It is the intention of the Thilmany Company, if they fully decide to run the paper machines, to install a power plant of their own, where enough energy can be generated for their uses. They will also run their printing motors by electricity.


Grace, two-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Olaf Olsen, had a narrow escape from death Monday afternoon by poisoning. The little one found a bottle of medicine on the table and drank it. She was immediately ill and fell asleep. A doctor was summoned, and she was kept awake and treated.


February 17, 1905

Even the ice rink has been "frozen up" this week, business being suspended until the weather moderates.


A floating bridge will be constructed at Kimberly in the spring for the benefit of those workers on the northside of the river. A floating bridge will also be constructed across the river below the locks.   


February 24, 1905

The highway from here to the village of Little Chute, which had become totally impossible in the last few days, has now been placed in very good condition. The high ridge of snow and ice on the track was levelled up and it is now so that it is hoped no more difficulty will be experienced.


It is reported that the Chicago & Northwestern Railway Company has decided to adopt electricity as a motive power for heavy traffic between Chicago and Milwaukee and the general superintendent of motive power, Robert Quayle, is said to be convinced that electric power on railroads is the coming thing.


Matt Brill, the new superintendent, is enforcing a new rule at the workhouse. He discovered that the prisoners were given to shirking their duties at the stone pile. Each prisoner was given three wheelbarrows of stone to crack and was informed that if he finished his task by noon, he would receive a warm dinner if not a cold lunch would be given. Most received a warm dinner. Now they are given four wheelbarrows to crack to receive a warm dinner.


For the past two weeks the rural carriers have labored under great difficulty in making their routes. The snow drifts make the roads worse than ever, and they are fast becoming impassable.


Two more stars were added to the flag by the Senate Tuesday, Oklahoma and New Mexico were admitted now there are 47 States instead of 45.


Charges against the Kimberly Clark Paper Company will be pushed to the bitter end by the Trade union. Two weeks ago, members alleged importation of foreign labor at a lower wage resulting in discrimination against citizens employees.

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