Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Time Machine Trip to February 1915

Kaukauna Times - February 5, 1915

The Kaukauna City Council has voted for a pay raise for the Chief of Police amounting to $200 per year, making a total salary of $1,200 per year. The salaries of the aldermen were also increased from $60 to $90 per year.

Madison – One of the most unusual cases in the history of medicine was revealed at the local hospital, when physicians discovered by x ray that a woman from Waunakee had a live six snake in her stomach.


February 12, 1915

Boost Kaukauna Boost Kaukauna!  Boost Kaukauna! Lion at the Fox,

    Help to swell the chorus till the very building rocks.


Boost Kaukauna! Our Kaukauna! Fairest in the state,

    Boost is our slogan; Boost will make us great.


Boost Kaukauna! Boost Kaukauna! Answer thou that call,

      It will lead thee on to duties that will aid us all.


Boost Kaukauna!  Our Kaukauna! Fight her battles right.

     Get in the spirit, Boost will win the fight.


Commander S. A. Cooke


The twenty-sixth anniversary of Paul H. Beaulieu Post 247 GAR will be observed next Monday afternoon. It is the desire of the Kaukauna commander Cooke to meet every old veteran whether they are members or not and they are cordially invited to come on that day. 


Druggists throughout the country are receiving notices of the new federal statute which goes into effect March 1, which restricts the sale of opium, cocoa leaves and all other drugs. Druggists cannot sell, dispense or give away these drugs without an official order form from a registered physician.


February 19, 1915

In Appleton, a boy was arrested for smoking a cigarette on the street. The Kaukauna jail would not be large enough if such a cause was taken here.


Albert Schumann has brought action against the city of Kaukauna to secure $5,000 as result of the injury he sustained in an accident on the Lawe Street bridge Sept. 8, 1914. Mr. Schuman was driving over the bridge when one of his horses caught a hoof between the draw sections of the bridge. The animal fell, throwing him from the seat and under the wheels of the wagon resulting in a broken arm.

Dr. O. G. Lord, the pioneer medical practitioner of Kaukauna since 1872, died Sunday afternoon at his residence on the corner of Doty and Lawe Streets after a long illness. He was 60 years of age and will be buried at the Kelso cemetery where his parents, his first wife and his daughter Laura rest.


George W. Beatty, an American aviator, is turning out efficient aviators for England’s Navy. At the outbreak of hostilities, the aerodrome underwent a complete metamorphosis. The exigencies of the war called for the construction of new aeroplanes and the training of pilots for the royal flying wing.  


February 26, 1915

Berlin: The average pay for soldiers in the German armed forces is 14 cents a day.


Miss Helen Harris of Mineral Point, Wis., has been engaged by the board of education to fill the vacancy at the high school caused by the resignation of Miss Dorothy Van de Plasch who severed her connection with the school to become the bride of Frank M. Charlesworth, Jr.

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