Saturday, February 4, 2017

Time Machine Trip to February 1967

Hello Fellow Time Travelers,

Well it’s time to fire up the old “Time Machine Chair” and travel back in time to February of 1967.

For today’s trip, Carla Giordana will be sitting in the front seat operating the Time Machine. Now the big wheel is spinning, the years are clicking back and in no time, we are back on the corner of Third Street and Main Avenue.  

For the music lovers, the top song on the Hit Parade this month is:

Kind of a Drag – The Buckinghams

Fred Kailhofer of the Times, left the newspapers for us by the front door. 

Well let’s get the copies and see what is in the paper this month. 

Your old news man – Lyle

PS: Don’t cling to a mistake just because you spent a lot of time making it.

February 1, 1967
The Kaukauna high school varsity wrestling team topped a rough Two Rivers unit by a 26-18 margin in a match held at Kaukauna on Thursday night. The win upped the Ghost record to 12 wins and four losses for the year.

Anton “Casey” Jansen, former Little Chute Village President and man about the Valley, was honored with a diamond studded 50-year membership pin by the International Machinists Association at a dinner attended by more than 400 at Van Abel’s. “I joined the machinist in 1917 when I was working at Fred Hoehne’s machine shop in Kaukauna,” he reminisced. Younger men present did not remember the shop which stood along the canal bank on land which is now Thilwerth park.

For the first time in history Kaukauna High School has taken both ends of the season series in basketball from Kimberly by virtue of their 76-55 victory over the Papermakers Friday night at the KHS gymnasium. Earlier this season the Ghosts won a 73-51 decision at Kimberly.

February 3, 1967

George E. Greenwood, Sec. of the Kaukauna Chamber of Commerce, use the words “good news” when he described a recent court ruling that encouraged Outagamie County to proceed with the taxpayer’s suit which attempts to block action on a proposed northeastern Wisconsin University at the site selected in Green Bay. The suit seeks to prevent expenditures of state money for the development of the UW-GB. The litigants contend that the criteria were violated in that the choice was made by illegal secret proceedings. 

February 8, 1967
An unbelievable 34 straight points in the second half carried the Kaukauna High School basketball team to an 81-54 come-from-behind victory over Two Rivers in a game played at Two Rivers Friday night.  In the third quarter rally Spice through and three straight jumpers and a free throw, Pat Kavanaugh two drives and a jump shot from the corner, John Van De Hey a jumper and Quinn Vanden Heuvel a tip in and a pair of free throws.

Funeral services were held for Anton “Casey” Jansen, former village President who died Friday after a short illness he was 82. 

February 10, 1967
The winner of the DAR award for 1967 is KHS senior Alice Weber. Each year the DAR award is presented to the senior girl who, in the opinion of her classmates in the faculty, best characterizes the qualities of dependability, leadership, patriotism and service through school activities. The award consists of a certificate from the Daughters of the American Revolution and $25 savings bond from the Kaukauna chapter of the Professional Business Women.

The total fire loss experienced in Kaukauna for 1966 was $29,715.54, a total surpassed only three times in the past 10 years and $13,000 less than 1965.

The Kaukauna Ghost volleyball team will open competition tomorrow at Nathan Hale High School in West Allis. Originally 33 candidates showed up for initial practice but they had been paired to 17 members, 12 of which are allowed in uniform four games. According to coach Dave Hash only senior Jeff School is a returning letterman. Other returnees will also help are seniors Randy Andrews and Mike Kelly, Juniors Mel Biersteker, Mike Grogan and Ken Kappell. 

February 15, 1967

Flames still flicker and smoke still rises from an 80-year-old railroad building near the Fox River in the south side railroad yard, which was destroyed in a spectacular blaze Saturday night. The structure was being used by the Combined Locks Paper Mills of Combined Locks as a paper storage warehouse. Three boys turned in the alarm at 4:45 p.m. which sent the complete Kaukauna fire department to the scene. Firemen, when all hope was lost of extinguishing the fire, concentrated on preventing the flames from spreading to nearby buildings. Damage to the contents of the building has been estimated at up to $120,000 by Reinhold Vogt; president of the Combined Locks Mills. Vogt said that the building had not been entered in some time.
Old Dodge Street location

New - Larry's Piggly Wiggly supermarket is moving from its location at 215 Dodge St. this week to a new building constructed at 1900 Crooks Ave. on the south edge of the city. Opening will be Thursday. The new building, located on 3 1/2 acres of wooded land, which was known as Lehrer property, and also the site of the post-World War II Quonset hut dwellings for veterans.
Larry Verhagen - Owner

February 17, 1967
The Kaukauna Board of Education has announced base pay change for teachers with a bachelor’s degree to be increased from $5350 to $5550 per year in 1968.

Kaukauna wiped the snow from its windblown whiskers this morning and said “Whew!” February snarled back with the worst blow of the winter Wednesday. Wind up to 40 miles an hour blew snow as temperature dropped from 28° on Wednesday to -2 today.

Three wrestlers will carry the hopes of Kaukauna High School team in the Green Bay Preble sectional being held today and tomorrow. This tournament will be one of eight meets leading to the appearance and the State meet in Madison in February at the University of Wisconsin Fieldhouse. Mike Pomeroy at 95 pounds; Sam Beach at 138 pounds; and Dick Huss, at heavyweight will be the Ghosts entries in the tournament at Preble.

February 22, 1967
The Kaukauna High School jayvee basketball team clinched their third straight Mid-Eastern Conference jayvee crown Friday night as they ground out a 60-39 victory over the Shawano jayvees. Kaukauna also pushed their season record to 14-2 with the win.

Rita DeBruin rolling a high singles game of 244 and a national honor count of 613 paced the women league on Saturday at Ludwig Lanes. Hillary Arnoldussen topped the men scoring with a 252 single-game and a 621 series.

February 24, 1967
Throughout the year, the Times receives many notes from former residence, who tell us how much they enjoy keeping up on the hometown news through their subscriptions to The Times. This week that tune was different, an ex-Kaukauna man in California wrote, “I used to like The Times but now it's all bowling and ads.”

To smoke or not to smoke? That was the question before the Kaukauna City Council at their meeting Tuesday night. The issue was brought to the floor in a board of public works report which voted 6-3 in favor of a ban on smoking in the chambers. There were two votes at 5-5 before Mayor Gilbert Anderson said he would consider the matter before attempting to break the tie vote. While the discussion was in progress both sides did a bit of lobbying for their cause. Alderman Blumreich passed out cigars which, a number of people enjoyed and those in favor of the ban distributed literature from the city health department pointing out the dangers of smoking.

EAGLE SCOUT awards were presented to two young men of Holy Cross Troops 31 by their mothers at a Court of Honor Saturday evening. Front row left to right Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Regenfuss and their son Richard. Mrs. Norbert Driessen and son Stephen and Norbert Driessen. Back row Clayton McCabe, assistant scout master, Marvin Hooyman scout master and Father Gerald Berken, troop chaplain. 

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