Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Time Machine Trip to January 1899

January 6, 1899
Cuba is free. In the thunder of a hundred guns the red and gold standard of Spain dropped from the flagstaffs of the palace and of Morro Castle at noon Sunday.

Manitowoc County carries the broom for having the greatest number of toughs within her borders in the state. Murderers and rowdyism she has galore. The latest is Geo. Wunck who sold his 7-year-old son to some Italians for money to buy beer. The Humane society are after the Italian band and the boy will be taken from them if found.

January 13, 1899
State Veterinarian H. P. Clute of Marinette, was in town Tuesday, called here by a complaint regarding the alleged presence of tuberculosis in a cow belonging to Matt Berens. Upon examination diagnosis proved correct and ordered the cow killed.

Helena, Mont., - The senate and house met in joint session to hear a report to investigate attempts to bribe members. The committee exhibited $30,000 in $1,000 bills that were paid as a bribe for a senator’s vote. The money was ordered deposited with the state treasurer.

January 20, 1899
Grip is just getting its clutches fairly fastened upon the residents of Kaukauna. Local physicians state that there are now many cases, while the number is constantly increasing. As yet the disease is not responsible for the loss of any lives.

A couple of Oneida Indians who had secured enough tarantula juice to make them hilarious, were taken to tow by Marshal Conlon last Saturday and lodged in the cooler, where they could war dance until Monday morning.

Chapter of Accidents:
Frank Weinkauf, machine tender at Thilmany’s paper mill, while oiling his machine, the “flying Dutchman,” Monday slipped and got his leg caught in the belt. His leg was broken in three places.

     Anton Derus, a workman engaged at the Outagamie Paper mill got caught by a pile toppling over on him badly injuring one of his legs.

    John Surges had his right foot quite badly crushed last Monday while at work at the Combined Locks mill by a heavy block of wood falling on it.

January 27, 1899
Wednesday, the day of the dedication exercises, had a double significance, as it was the twenty-fifth anniversary or Silver jubilee, of the organization of Holy Cross congregation in this city. A few of the old parishioners were still numbered among the congregation Wednesday, and as they behold the grandeur of the new edifice and then let their memories revert to the early days and the little wooden structure that was first erected twenty-five years ago, there must have been a sense of pleasure in the recollections.

When the water works pressure was turned on Monday, another leak was discovered in the main along the west end of Second Street making it necessary to re-open the trench to put in a new section of pipe. Several more breaks may be found before the system is ready for the final test.

On February 1, Judge Goodland will give a hearing to the petition of the people of Little Chute on the subject of incorporating the village.

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