Friday, November 27, 2020

Time Machine Trip to November 1960


Kaukauna Times November 1960

By Lyle Hansen

November 4, 1960

Bert W. Fargo, Mayor of Kaukauna during the depression and a former businessman, died Thursday noon at Westtown, Pennsylvania, after an illness of about a year. He was 84.  Bert came to Kaukauna at the age of six in 1882. His father made furniture and coffins in a shop on Wisconsin Ave. He lived most of his life in Kaukauna leaving for a time traveling to Washington state then returning at the age of 39 to take over the family store and funeral parlor. During the depression Thilmany Mill was struggling and was making plans on moving out of town. He made arrangement for the city to lend $50,000 to assist them with construction plans. The funds were paid back by the mill within five years. He was known for his wisdom. “Never let money dominate your professional interest in what you are doing. If you do it will show up in your work and it will not be as good as it should”. Bert would recall that he was a member of the first football team of Kaukauna High School. The team had to practice and play in secret due to football being branded as being too dangerous a sport at that time. He graduated in 1894 from Kaukauna High School.


“We’ll probably have the smallest “big school” basketball team I have ever seen this year, but I’m still not too discouraged about our game winning prospects for 1960-61,” Commented Jerry Hopfensperger after looking over his varsity candidates at practice Monday.

 November 9, 1960

The Kaukauna Galloping Ghosts won their first championship in the Mid-Eastern conference as they defeated the Clintonville Truckers 12-6 Saturday evening. The conference championship was the first for the Ghosts since 1950 and their 8-0-0 was the best since records were kept in 1935.


November 11, 1960

John F. Kennedy, Junior Senator from Massachusetts was elected the 34th President of the United States. Tuesday’s election was the closest in history. A record number of voters were seen going to the polls. Votes in Kaukauna went for Kennedy-Johnson 2523 and 1663 for Nixon-Lodge.


November 16, 1960

Contracts in the amount of $163,252 were awarded Wednesday for the construction of the new wing at the Kaukauna Community Hospital to A. H. Nimmer Construction Company of Kaukauna.

November 18, 1960

Robert Wurdinger, varsity fullback for the Ghost team for the past two years was elected team captain for the 1961 season, according to head coach Harry Wilson. When the titles were handed out, senior halfback Bruce Bay was named the most valuable player of the squad, also receiving the title of best backfield man who made the most tackles of 54. Bill Jirikowic was named most improved and Chuck Dorn the best lineman for the year.

November 22, 1960

Kaukauna police chief Harold Engerson issued his annual reminder to motorist regarding overnight parking during the winter months. From the date of the first heavy snowfall or December 1, which ever comes first, all automobiles must be kept off city streets from 1:00 to 5:00 am. No warnings will be issued by patrolmen finding autos illegally parked.


November 24, 1960

By tomorrow evening the streets of Kaukauna will have been completely decorated in their Christmas finery for the holidays and shopping season. William Ranquette, manager of the Kaukauna Utility says that city workmen, are in charge, of putting up the ornaments and greenery. The community Christmas tree will be put up in its traditional station on top the city garage at the bottom of the Lawe Street Bridge.


November 30, 1960

Gale force winds Monday afternoon resulted in bringing down the city Christmas tree. Four of the guywires broke at the same time resulting in the damage. The utility reports about 80 percent of the lights were broken so a big replacement job is in store for the crew.

 Brides November 1960



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