Friday, December 25, 2020

Time Machine Trip to December 1950


Kaukauna Times - December 1950 

By Lyle Hansen

December 1, 1950

Quick thinking five-year-old twin brothers prevented a near-tragedy last Friday afternoon. Ronald and Donald Straus and their brother Milo, 8, were playing on the ice of the river when without warning the ice cracked and Milo slipped into the water. The twins grabbed the hands of their brother and after two attempts pulled him to safety.

Private First-Class Robert Agen of Kaukauna has been recommended for the Presidential Citation for heroic action in Korea. In a letter home he told of his field artillery battalion being trapped by the North Koreans and Chinese forces. The fighting, some hand to hand, lasted about 3 hours before the enemy was driven back.


Completing the list of 16 boys employed by the Kaukauna Times as carriers is Jack Schuh of Oviatt street. At the time of the pictures Jack was in the hospital recuperating for an appendectomy.


December 6, 1950

PFC. Clayton Arnoldussen, who was wounded on 1 September in Korea arrived Friday night to spend a 45-day leave with his parents on Dodge Street.

Ghost Co-captains are ready for tonight’s opener. John Diestler passing the ball and Ken Roloff, on defense, have been the two chief scoring threats this year.   


December 8, 1950

Sergeant John W. Peterson, Ninth Street, Kaukauna, has been transferred to the Percy Jones Army Hospital at Battle Creek, Mich. He is working as an assistant in the hospital diet kitchen. 


December 13, 1950

Sergeant William P. McCormick, Jr. Lincoln Avenue, Little Chute, who was serving with the First Marine Battalion in Korea has been wounded in action and is now aboard a Naval hospital ship. He received a bullet wound to the abdomen and his condition is reported as serious.


December 20, 1950

Three of the five ice skating rinks in Kaukauna are now open. They are located at Park and Nicolet schools and at Reichel’s pond near the ballpark.


Phil Haas, former Lawrence College cager and now a center with the Athletic Club, banged home 36 points to set a new high individual scoring record. Haas broke a record set by Ray Heim here in 1946.


December 28, 1950

Chief of Police Harold Engerson told the Rotary meeting at the Hotel Kaukauna dining room yesterday of the unsung mark done by the Police Department. He said the six-man force in Kaukauna made over 1700 investigations in 1949.  He mentioned that there were 76 miles of roads and streets within the city limits and it was hard to do all the police work necessary with only two men on duty each eight-hour shift. Engerson said that the surrounding towns of size comparable to Kaukauna have as many as 20 policemen in their police departments.


Jerry Kobussen, 6, Tobacnoir street, Kaukauna, suffered fractures to both legs when he was struck by a car at 3:00 o'clock Sunday afternoon near the intersections of Lawe and Tobacnoir Streets. Jerry was crossing the street on his way home from a movie and the car was traveling south on Lawe St when the mishap occurred.


James Otte is the top scorer in the grade school league after three games. Otte of Holy Cross topped the individual scores with 39 points. Joe Van Linn of St. Mary’s is second with 31 points and Bruce Kemp of Lutheran is in third place with 24 points. 



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