Thursday, January 2, 2025

Time Machine Trip to January 1885



Kaukauna Times

By Lyle Hansen

January 2, 1885

Happy New Year to all! 1885, How does it sound to you?

H. Kinzer, a brakeman on the Lake Shore road met with a serious accident on Wednesday of last week. He was in the act of coupling a flat car loaded with lumber and failing to notice that the load projected from the car was badly jammed between the two cars.

At a Catholic Church in Brooklyn, on the 27, was held the funeral of twenty-one victims of the fire at the orphan asylum.

A body of well-equipped men is setting out from Laramie, Wyoming for the purpose of shooting wild horses and poisoning coyotes. The cattlemen have offered $2.50 for the coyote pelts. The wild horses do damage by enticing away tame ones at great loss to the owners. 

January 9, 1885

Kaukauna should have better sidewalks and more of them, also a well-organized and regulated fire department. This would require the village portion being incorporated as a city. The recent fires in both business districts prove that city incorporation would be for the best interest of this community.

At a country hotel a traveler retires to his room, leaving word that he is to be called for the early train. In the morning, he is aroused from a sweet sleep by the knocking at the door. “Are you the gentleman that was to be called for the 5:15 train?” “Yes, I am that person.” “Then you can go to sleep again sir the trains gone.”


1885 Western Washing Machine

January 16, 1885

Early on Wednesday morning the alarm of fire sounded for the third time within six weeks, arousing our citizens from their slumbers. The flames originated in the Dockery building about 3:15. The adjoining buildings, Kellogg’s drug store and the Bank of Kaukauna being wooden structures, were soon caught by the devouring element and were soon consumed. The Bank of Kaukauna has been temporarily opened in Butler Brothers hardware store. The safe used at the bank came through all right, the contents being found in perfect condition. The enterprise of the bank officers was illustrated by the fact that though their building was a pile of ashes at about 4 p.m., at 10 they had the safe open and were ready for business.

The iron for the new drawbridge is now in readiness for the completion of that structure, and the work for the same began this week. Messrs. Keepers & Riddell, the Milwaukee firm, have the project in hand and are expected to have the job finished before spring.

Salyersville, Ky., John Stapleton was taken from jail by a mob and hanged to a tree. His son killed a Mt. Sterling man last November and he was arrested last week under suspicion that he assisted in the crime. There was much indignation at the hanging many believing him to having nothing to do with the killing.

Chattanooga, Tenn., - A beautiful young lady named Lilly Lathro is the victim of a false marriage. Oscar Coulter a leading young man of this section is under arrest on a charge of forgery. The couple was engaged, and the day was set for the nuptials. On the appointed day Coulter was accompanied by a stranger who he introduced as a magistrate to perform the ceremony. Several weeks after the wedding it was rumored that the magistrate was an imposter. Coulter was arrested but will not tell who aided him in committing the fraud. 


January 23, 1885

The central telephone office has been temporarily placed in W. H. Srey's store under The Times office and the shouts of "hello," "hello," have become anything but funny.

There is an old and true saying that "in union there is strength," and while the citizens of Kaukauna and Ledyard are talking of incorporation, and its advantages and disadvantages, why should they not let the truth of the old adage come home to themselves? The time has arrived for some action to be taken on this matter, and the only real obstacle is the question of separate or united cities. Of course, there are two sides to every question, and for everyone to see this one in the right light, it should be discussed in public, by citizens holding opposite views on the subject. By presenting the question in this manner, to people of both sides of the river, the citizens can see the advantages and disadvantages-if there are any-of a united city, and thus be able to judge for themselves as to what they want and what would be best for all.

January 30, 1885

With unfavorable weather of 30 below zero the past two weeks the new bank building has progressed finely, the foundation being entirely completed and the frame ready to rise.

On Monday of this week, a meeting was held at the office of W.T. Albers for the purpose of discussing the question of united incorporation. At the meeting were citizens from both Kaukauna and Ledyard, and a committee was chosen to represent each village. The meeting of these committees, which include some of the leading citizens from both villages, was held at the office of Master Mechanic Hickey on Tuesday evening, and a very interesting discussion took place. By taking a vote at that meeting, it was shown that a unanimous number of all present felt that the two places should be incorporated as one, if it could be done without detriment to either place. Another committee was then selected to draw up the outlines of the new charter, which would see the new city be called the City of Kaukauna.


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