Thursday, July 25, 2024

Time Machine July 1964


Kaukauna Times – July 1964

By Lyle Hansen

July 1, 1964

Mike and Steve Zimmerman "came away the big winners in the first Junior Champs track and field event held Saturday morning at Bayorgeon recreation area. Mike took first in three events and Steve took three Pee Wee division first place honors. Topping the competitors in the Prep division was Steve Therriault with two firsts and a second while Dave Keough also collected a pair of firsts.


A decision deadline of July 10 has been set for the City of Kaukauna by Joseph Lehrer, if the community wishes to purchase a 230-acre site owned by him for a future dumping area.  The price was set at $230,500.  


July 3, 1964

Joseph F. Bayorgeon, who this spring was elected to his tenth two-year term as Mayor of the City of Kaukauna this week announced that he will be a candidate for the nomination by the Democratic Party as a congressman from Wisconsin’s eighth district. He would oppose incumbent congressman John Byrnes at the polls in November. Bayorgeon was first elected Mayor of Kaukauna in 1946.


Despite the nearly unprecedented need and use of water during the current heat wave and drought, there is no need of apprehension regarding a shortage, according to department manager Norbert Rhinerson. 


July 8, 1964

The Kaukauna area in the heart of the Fox River Valley was proposed as the site for a new University of Northeastern Wisconsin by State Senator Gerald Lorge Tuesday.


July 10, 1964

Kaukauna citizens are asked to co-operate with the police department in the apprehension of window peepers and prowlers, following a flurry of excitement in both north and south side neighborhoods. Chief Harold Engerson told citizens to call the police “If you chase him, he will be gone by the time the police get there.” 


A petition signed by more than 700 Kaukauna citizens has all but killed the chance of purchasing the Richard Lehrer property.


July 15, 1964

Parade Sunday was the highlight of the annual VFW picnic and celebration. The long spectacle took almost an hour to pass featuring an array of floats and bands.

Seven Kaukauna veterans attired in the uniforms of their service formed a stirring color guard at the head of the parade. Left to right are Clayton Arnoldussen, Dennis Van Stiphout, Arthur F. Schmidt, William Milbach, Richard Hahn, Peter Van Krey and Mark A. Nagan.


Coach Vince Lombardi of the Green Bay Packers has announced that All-Pro defensive back Willie Wood, linebacker Ed Holler, defensive end Willie Davis and fullback Frank Mestnnik have all signed contracts for the 1964 season. Willie Wood wrote to the Packers in 1960 and requested a tryout. At that time most pro football clubs felt he was too small to play in the league. He proved them wrong and was selected on the All-Pro team.


These are the lifeguards working at the Kaukauna Municipal Pool:

Carol Leigh Behnke will be a KHS senior this fall and is a lifeguard and instructor at the Kaukauna Memorial swimming pool this year. This is her first year in this capacity.

Jeanne Carstens is another of the lifeguards and swimming instructors at the Kaukauna Memorial pool this summer. She is a 1962 KHS graduate and will be a junior this fall at Whitewater State University. 

Margaret Mary Courtney is another veteran lifeguard at the Kaukauna swimming pool this summer. This is her fourth year as a pool instructor.  She is a 1960 graduate of Kaukauna High School and graduated from Edgewood College this year majoring in English. 

Judith Ann Mach is one of the lifeguards at the Kaukauna swimming pool. Judie is a 1962 graduate of Kaukauna High School. This fall she will enter her junior year at Whitewater State University where she is majoring in accounting.

Patricia Mary Grogan is one of the lifeguards this summer at the Kaukauna pool. Pat is a 1964 graduate of Kaukauna High School and will attend St. Norbert College this fall where she will be majoring in English.

Kathryn Eslien, a 1962 graduate of Kaukauna High School has served three years as lifeguard and instructor at the Memorial pool. Kathy is a junior at the University of Wisconsin, Madison where she is majoring in Social Work.

Lindy Lou Kemp, a 1963 graduate of Kaukauna High School, has served three years as lifeguard and instructor at the Memorial pool. Lindy will be a sophomore at the Oshkosh State University this fall, where she is majoring in physical education.  

July 17, 1964

You, as a Wisconsin driver, have become subject to a different, but not new, type of traffic law enforcement.  That is the use of unmarked police patrol cars. You may say “How sneaky can you get”. The Motor vehicle department says the use of unmarked cars does not constitute entrapment.

Jill Hardtke was the winner of the Miss Poppy of 1964. Jill was crowned at the American Legion State Convention held last week at Wausau. Pictured with Jill are Mrs. Stuart Black, left and Mrs. Fred Mason delegated from Kaukauna. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elroy Hardtke Kaukauna.


Jeanie Meyerhofer and Paul Walker were crowned king and queen of LaFollette park playground at the recent KRD Fun Pair.

July 22, 1964

A total of 5.484 children were born at the Kaukauna Community Hospital from its opening on March 25, 1955, until June 30, 1964, according to Mrs. Bernice Elliott. The number includes 2,618 girls and 2,866 boys. Thousands of babies and their mother will be eligible to join the guest list tomorrow afternoon at the ninth annual Baby Day sponsored by the Kaukauna Community Hospital Auxiliary. The party is scheduled to last from 1:00 to 4:00 at the hospital grounds.    

July 24, 1964

Badger Northland   Inc. Kaukauna manufacturer of farm materials handling equipment is engaged in a possible merger with Massey-Ferguson, Ltd., of Canada, it was announced by Vincent Rohlf, President of Badger Northland.

July 31, 1964

Joseph Schmidt, route 3, Kaukauna, is moving earth these days to build a nine-hole golf course on a 65-acre portion of his 120-acre farm. When completed he will operate it as a business, with play open to the public.


Members of the KHS summer musical, “The Boy Friend” are pictured. The chorus members seated in the front row are from left to right Melanie Rose, Kay Van Zummeren, Jean Schmidt and Kristi Ludke. In the back row are Sue Vils, Herb Gosdeck and Mary Voet.   

Coach and manager Jerry Klarer, left, of the Kaukauna American Legion league leading baseball team is proud of his corps of pictures. Left to right are Ed Szozda and Dennis Lappen, lefthanders; John Jansen, Leo Verhagen and Dave O’Brien righthanders.

First place winners of the Kenosha Twirling Round-up are the Kaukauna DeDe’s Diplomats. They are from left to right Jean Giordana, Pat Effa, Sherri Spice, Jenny King, Kay Kaphingst, Cheryl Kobs Vicki Kuchelmeister and Marcia Gerharz.


Kings and Queens of City Playgrounds were crowned at the eight locations. Jack Ebben and Becky Schell, Hennes park. Stevie Peebles and Julie Vandenberg, Pool Park; Billy Borree and Julie Brown, Glenview; Robyn Martzahl and Lu Anne Pomeroy, Strassburg.


Scott Heiting and Pam Giordana, Riverside; Mary Kay Ebben and Douglas Vande Wettering, Frank-Lincoln; and Mike Mitchler and Donna DeCoster, White City park.  


Hot: One hardly has to say so to know it’s a fact after seven straight days of 90-degree weather. Most all appliance dealers are bare to the wall in the fan department. Kaukauna’s swimming pool has had children washing over the sides with record numbers this month.

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