Sunday, July 7, 2024

Time Machine Trip to July 1904


Kaukauna Times – July 1904

By Lyle Hansen

July 8, 1904

Theodore Roosevelt was nominated for the presidency of the United States by the Republican national convention.


Some unknown successfully worked several of the quarter slot machines in the saloons here on the Fourth stripping them of good money by playing counterfeit 25 cent pieces. He was discovered in the act at Verhagen's place on Wisconsin Avenue, where an effort was made to hold him until an officer arrived. Just as Verhagen grappled with the fellow a giant firecracker was thrown on the floor of the saloon and the confusion that followed broke a portion of the glass front, shattered the cigar case and created such confusion that the machine worker escaped.

Rev. A. J. Fox, who has been administrator of the Green Bay diocese since Archbishop Messmer left for Milwaukee, received the brief July 1 appointing him Bishop of Green Bay. The appointment brief was written in Rome on Friday, May 27.

A consignment of 705 goats, on route from Mexico to Northern Michigan passed through the city over the Northwestern road last week.


Lexington, Ky., Police chief John Riley ordered the whipping post used to deliver fifty lashes in the public square to John West, a 14-year-old colored boy. West was charged with injuring private property.


John Plank, a typesetter employed at the TIMES office, is taking a forced vacation this week having one of his hands put out of commission by a giant cracker on the Fourth.


July 15, 1904

A surprising discovery has been made during the past week by the catching of a brook trout in the Fox River. The Fox River has all the leading characteristics of a trout stream, being alternate stretches of swift water and pools of still water.

The Kaukauna “Elites” baseball team. Seated in front are, Jim Jones, Otto Minkebige. Second row: Fred Hamilton, Joe Driessen, Joe Jansen, Frank Berens. Top row: Henry Minkebige, Vernon Murchie, Ted Elsworth, Will Eiting, Cy Driessen and Dan Powers.


Last Sunday was a bad day for baseball with rain starting at noon and keeping it up all afternoon. Still the Kaukauna Elites played a five-inning game with Little Chute. Kaukauna scored an 8 to 7 win over the Chuters.


July 22, 1904

Among those who arrived at the world's fairgrounds recently was Geronimo, the most famous of the latter-day Indian chiefs, and a veteran warrior. The old man now, shorn of his power, his savage glory long since departed, denied even the privilege of paint or feather-sits all day, a United States prisoner in the Indian exhibit at the world's fair.


July 29, 1904

The contractors who are engaged in laying rails of the inter-urban between here and Green Bay expect to reach Kaukauna by the 7th of August, favorable weather continuing.


Appleton complains about being overrun with tramps, and right under the caves of that terrible workhouse, too.


John Beaulieu, better known as Jessie James, is on trial charged with having taken a watch from the home of Michael McCarty.




Afternoon Gowns in Silks



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