Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Time Machine Trip to November 1886

November 5, 1886

Geronimo and his murderous gang started from San Antonio, Tex., on the 22d by railroad for Fort Pickens, Fla. They were guarded by an escort of forty infantrymen, The Women will be sent to Fort Marion, Florida.

 New York, Oct. 28 – The rain-storm which prevailed all day yesterday but the weather this morning is very unpromising for the festivities which are to take place in connection with the inauguration of the Barholdi’s Statue of Liberty. A slight fog hangs over the city and obscures in measure the elaborate decorations of buildings. French and American flags are flying from house tops and windows in every direction, and a general holiday appearance is presented by moving bodies of soldiers. Visitors from all sections of the country have been coming into the city for two days past, and this morning thousands were added to the great throng. 

Out of over 800 voters registered in this city there were only 625 votes polled. This light vote - considering the fine weather which prevailed throughout the day - was a surprise to all.

Returns received from about the state up to an early hour on the morning of the 3rd indicate that Gov. Rusk has been re-elected by a probable majority of 20,000.

Constable Keef, of Little Chute arrested one man on Election Day for using abusive language and managed to quiet the fellow’s tongue by keeping him locked up until the polls were closed. 

November 12, 1886
A new stone lock will be built at the "cedars" just above Little Chute this winter. This will give employment to a large number of workmen and will probably make it unusually lively at the "Chute" during the lone winter evenings.

The snow storm on Saturday was the beginning of winter. It created a great demand for stoves and the hardware men are happy.

One man living in the city has recently ordered the discontinuance of The TIMES to his address, giving as the reason that this paper did not give sufficient support to his favorite candidates, that one paper in Kaukauna was enough, that the people here were democrats and all they wanted was a democratic paper. Words cannot express our admiration for this man, his broad and liberal views in political matters. He has been a resident of Kaukauna little more than a year, and the place he left to come here must still be suffering from his conspicuous absence and mammoth intellect.

November 19, 1886
Winnipeg, Man., Nov. 6. – A plasterer named Shules, who contemplated leaving this city for the old country, recently sold his wife and five children to a man for $70. A regular legal agreement was drawn up between the two men and the property was formally transferred. The police are investigating the matter.

School Taxes - Outagamie County

November 26, 1886
The Rev. Father Hens of Grandlec, Kewaunee Co., has been appointed to take charge of the South Kaukauna Catholic Church, and entered upon his duties this week.

The discovery of coal beds near Dundas has brought about a great deal of excitement among people in this section during the past week.

The question of making the salary of police officers large enough to abolish the payment of fees for the arrest of tramps, vagrants etc, has been discussed considerably during the past two weeks by the authorities of Kaukauna and Appleton.

New York, Nov. 22 – The last night of the loving watch beside the home of Gen. Chester Alan Arthur, ex-President of the United States has passed.  The morning dawned brightly on the closed shutters of the house and the black crape at the door were the only sign that deaths sickle has been busy within.

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