Saturday, December 1, 2018

Time Machine Trip to December 1899

By Lyle Hansen

December 1, 1899
This has been opening week at the Kaukauna public library and many a home is now enjoying the benefits of this excellent institution. The Kaukauna public library is now opened from 2 to 5:30 each afternoon and from 7 to 9 o'clock in the evening; also Saturday mornings from 9 to 12.

Bowling Green, Ky., - Out of a population of 1,800 persons 500 are down with smallpox.

Another collision occurred Saturday night in the dark hole at the south end of the Lawe Street bridge in which two buggies came together and were quite badly smashed up. Fortunately, none of the occupants of either buggy were injured. This is the second accident that has happened in this dark hole within the past two months. The Times would suggest putting up a couple of common post lights.

The cigarette evil is growing in Kaukauna. Many boys who would attend Sunday school and are supposed to be as good as boys can be, are victims of the habit. While their parents offer fervent prayers in church on Sunday for the salvation of the world, their boys are out in some old shed engaged in consuming the “coffin nails”. Many a young active boy has sold his future for the questionable pleasure derived from the seductive cigarette.

December 8, 1899
The new pulp mill of Luther Lindauer on the Meade and Edwards water power, which has been built on the site of the old Union pulp mill, was started up Wednesday. Mr. Lindauer has entirely rebuilt the mill and a new building practically replaces the former structure, which is fitted with an entire new outfit of new and modern machinery.

December 15, 1899
The fittings of the fine new offices of the Thilmany Pulp and Paper Company were completed Saturday by the addition of electric chandeliers to all the rooms and a fine large roll-top desk to Mr. Thilmany's private office.

Maysville, Ky., Dick Coleman, the negro murderer of Mrs. Lashbrook, was taken from the officers by a mob of 1000 man and burnt at the stake. The mob was led by the husband of the victim. All that was possible was done by the Sheriff and guards to prevent the lynching, but in the face of such a large mob it was useless to attempt anything but deliver him up.

Casper, Wyo., - There is great excitement over a public whipping administered to the girls of the local high school by Prof. Bowden. Citizens petitioned the school board for the professor’s discharge.  The school board however upheld schoolmaster.

Eighty men went down into the tunnel at the Carbon Hill Mining company in Carbonado, Wash., five hours later an explosion took place. More than thirty are now dead. 

December 22, 1899
While at work on the Second street sewer Thursday Dan Mulholland met with an accident in which he narrowly escaped being killed. A blast had just been sent off in the rock which is being blasted out and Mr. Mulholland had gone down to clear away some of the stone. One of the dynamite cartridges had failed to explode in the discharge and in moving the stone it was struck and went off throwing rocks fifty feet in the air.

HARPER Whiskey is rapidly becoming the national average. It's the one thing all parties agree upon, Republicans, Democrats, populists and even the Know nothing party, know one thing, the merits of HARPER Whiskey. Sold by D. J. Brothers Kaukauna.

A son was born Monday morning to Mrs. Joseph Wettingel, whose husband was killed a few months ago in the explosion at Wieckert’s mill.

December 29, 1899
As the days begin to lengthen the cold begins to strengthen.

Eleven children were burned to death, and a half a dozen injured in Quincy, Illinois, Friday afternoon. With a score of happy children on the stage in the auditorium of St. Francis Church school rehearsing for a Christmas entertainment, the garments of one of the children came in contact with a gas jet. In an instant the flames spread over her. The little ones screamed as the sisters hurried to the scene.

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