Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Time Machine Trip to December 1928

By Lyle Hansen

December 4, 1928

Jay O. Posson, 46, wide known as head of the successful Kaukauna Electrical and Water department, died at home following five days illness of pneumonia.

The Kaukauna Boosters, playing their first basketball game of the season handed Wrightstown a 24-20 beating.

December 7, 1928
Herbert F. Weckwerth, electrical engineer of the local municipal electric and water department for the past two years was named superintendent of the Kaukauna Electric and Water Department at its meeting Tuesday evening. He will replace Jay O. Posson who died last week.

Green Bay – Twenty-six saloonkeepers and bartenders from Green Bay and vicinity entered the house of correction in Milwaukee at noon Monday, to start serving sentences of from two to six months for violation of the national prohibition act.

December 11, 1928
GREENLEAF – Not content with “drying up” Green Bay, federal prohibition agents raided two of Greenleaf’s soft drink parlors and arrested the proprietors. Mr. G. Binnings and Jack Sanders were arraigned before the United States Commissioner they pleaded not guilty and were bound over for hearing December 14th. Agents seized two half barrels of alleged beer along with wine and gin.

The Holy Cross football team of this city received high tribute in a Milwaukee newspaper which mentioned the fact that Rev. F. J. Melchior, local coach, awarded letters to thirteen boys of the squad. The team scored 248 points against a total of 18 for their opponents. The school has undisputed championship of the elementary schools in the Fox River Valley. 

Emmett Rohan, of Kaukauna, is undefeated as a cross country runner in his first year at two different schools which he is the holder of the five Milwaukee city championships. He had entered Lawrence College in Appleton in the fall of 1926 and competed in the track program. He won the all campus championship in his freshmen year winning every event he entered. He transferred to Marquette University the following year where he was made captain of the freshmen track team and also won every event he entered. 

December 14, 1928
Little Chute – Rev. Paul P. Rhode, bishop of the Green Bay diocese assisted Rev. J. J. Sprangers along with a large number of visiting clergy, dedicating the beautiful new St. John’s Catholic parochial school here Sunday. There were over 1,000 people present to witness the event. There are eighteen classrooms and a large gymnasium.

December 18, 1928

Officer John Heid found a car Sunday evening belonging to Jerry Wheaton of this city which was reported stolen. When Mr. Wheaton claimed the machine there were two sacks of coal in the rear seat which were not there when he parked the auto.

December 21, 1928
Clem Hilgenberg, local agent for the New York Like Insurance company, delivered to Mayor W. C. Sullivan, three checks totaling $100,113.40, in full payment of the insurance policy taken on the life of the late J. O. Posson, by the city of Kaukauna. The policies on the life of Mr. Posson, who had been manager of the Kaukauna Electric and Water departments, were taken out just a few months before his death, and the city of Kaukauna was named as beneficiary.

Green Bay – Elan “Slim” Delancy, 26, member of the Green Bay police force, was arraigned here on the charge of complicity in the $40,000 bank robbery on the Farmers Exchange bank of Green Bay. He stated he was at a movie with his wife the evening of the bank robbery.

December 28, 1928

The dedication of the new St. Mary's Catholic School will take place here Sunday afternoon, beginning at 3 o'clock.

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