Friday, September 20, 2019

Time Machine Trip to September 1949

Kaukauna Times - By Lyle Hansen

September 2, 1949
Eugene De Groot, 6-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Francis De Groot of Kaukauna was the winner of third place in the home talent show held Sunday in New London. Eugene presented a single and double baton twirling act accompanied by the New London high school band.

Master Sergeant Jean R. Benway, who has been stationed at the eight Army Headquarters with the Women’s Army-Corps in Yokohama, Japan for the past 33 months is spending 30 days leave with her family and friends in Kaukauna. Benway enlisted in the Women’s Army Corps in February of 1943.

Virginia Hartzheim, 15-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hartzheim, Kaukauna, is one of three winners among hundreds of teenagers for her essay on “What Conservation Means to Me.” It was written for the Wisconsin Outdoor Exposition.

September 7, 1949
A total of 2312 pupils are enrolled in Kaukauna’s High School, Outagamie Rural Normal and five elementary schools for the 1949-50 school year. 

September 9, 1949
William Schultz, Kaukauna, a member of the U.S. Air Force who is stationed at San Antonio, Texas has been promoted to Private First Class.

September 14, 1949
Walter Specht, Jr., Seaman Second Class U. S. Navy is spending a twenty day leave with his parents on W. Sixth Street. He is stationed at Little Creek, Va. 

Kaukauna Vocational School, 103 Oak Street, day and night classes.  

September 16, 1949
Three Navy men arrived home for a 12-day leave Thursday afternoon. They are Dennis Mereness, Harold Wirth, Jr., and Lyle McGinnis. All three have recently completed boot camp at the Great Lakes Navel Training station.

Clyde Steele was installed as commander of post No. 41, American Legion Tuesday evening at the Legion hall.

Sgt. Robert Voet, a member of the Army stationed at Kentucky Military District headquarters, Louisville, Ky., arrived in Kaukauna to spend a 15-day furlough with his friends and family. 

September 21, 1949
The Grignon home in Kaukauna was included in the 15 historic sites in Wisconsin for commemoration by the historic sites in Wisconsin for commemoration by erection of markers by the Historic sites committee at its recent annual session.

September 28, 1949

Fred Gerhard - The introduction of an entirely new loaf of bread, Hilltop potato bread, in a new polka dot wrapper was announced yesterday by Fred Gerhard, proprietor. “This marks the full change over to the new Hilltop name,” Mr. Gerhard commented. “It is almost a year since he took over the bakery at the corner of 7th and main then formally known as Masons and previously operate by Kalupa for many years.

George R. Greenwood was reelected president of the Kaukauna Board of Education at a meeting held last week.

Pvt. Ronald Geurts, U. S. Army, returned to Fort Benning, Ga. Tuesday after spending a 15-day furlough with his parents.

Neil J. McCarty has opened an office for practice of law in the Bank of Kaukauna building. Neil is a graduate of Harvard Law school this spring.

Eugene Siebers, CT 2, Brothers Street, Kaukauna, who had been serving with the Navy in Naval communications at Washington D. C. received an honorable discharge on September 13. 

Five known Kaukauna men will be included in the list of persons eligible to receive the so-called mistreatment payments which the War Claims commission last week announce it would begin paying early next year. The Kaukauna men are Milford Roehrborn who was shot down over the North Sea and a POW for 21 months. John Leatherbury was shot down over near Berlin Germany and held 14 months. John Lemke lost his life in the sinking of a Japanese shipload of PW’s. He was held for two years and six months before his death.  Francis Alaers was held 188 days as a German PW. Wilfred Van Abel was shot down in his P-47 fighter plane over France and held as a PW for 20 months. It was announced that prisoners captured on Wake, Guam, the Philippines and in other US territory would receive $2 for each day of imprisonment. Other military prisoners of war will be paid $1 for each day, officials said.

September 30, 1949

Allie M. Lang, W. Wisconsin Avenue businessman for the last thirty years, is retiring from the jewelry business, he announced Thursday. He has sold his store to Clarence Schaff, of Appleton, who takes over on October 1.

1949 Ford Custom

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