Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Time Machine Trip to December 1929

Kaukauna Times - By Lyle Hansen

December 3, 1929
Residents of Kaukauna who call the fire department here for aid should be careful to give the correct address and location of the fire. Several excited persons failed recently to give the correct address of the fire when calling the department. One person gave her phone number as the house number. When calling stay calm as possible under the circumstances and give the correct information.

Phil Zwick, Kaukauna feather weight boxer, invaded a Philadelphia ring Monday evening and handed Joe Marciente a tasty whipping in ten rounds. Phil scoring two knockdowns in the bout.

Forty-five students of Kaukauna High School are on the school’s honor roll for the second six weeks of the first semester. 

December 6, 1929

Robert Grogan, quarterback and captain of the 1929 grid team of the Kaukauna high school.

Jerome Belonger, 9-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. I. Belonger, Dodge Street, is confined to St. Elizabeth’s Hospital as result of injuries he received while coasting. He was coasting down an incline from Dixon Street to Dodge Street when he came in contact with a truck traveling on Dodge Street.

Twenty-two football players and the manager of the 1929 squad received letters at the annual banquet staged at the high school. Coach Paul E. Little presented the letters.

Mayor W. C. Sullivan stated today that all principal corners in the city will be sanded or filled with cinders to avoid accidents.

December 13, 1929
Reports from St. Mary’s College, California, state that Marv Miller and “String” Landreman, both former Kaukauna High School athletic stars of last year, are going good, both scholastically and athletically, although both have been handicapped by sickness and injuries. Landreman was going good at center during the early part of the basketball season this year when he broke his shoulder forcing him out of the competition for now. Miller played in nearly every game of the frosh squad throughout the season at the quarterback position.  

“Lodgers” are not few at the local jail this time of the year. Many “Knight of the Road” taking advantage of the police department’s hospitality to gain a good night’s lodging at the “Hoosegow”.

Ross Farwell is the leader of the 1929-30 basketball team of the Kaukauna High School.

December 17, 1929
Many of the noises which develop suddenly in the car when the mercury drops are due to contraction of the wood and metal. The noise diminishes with more normal temperature.

December 20, 1929

The Chicago and North Western railway has been granted the right to use the Y. M. C. A. here as a railroad depot.

Six dogs were shot at Kimberly during the last two weeks and the heads were sent to the state health department in Madison. Test revealed that the animals were affected with rabies. These dogs had bitten other animals that were running at large. A quarantine is now in place in Kimberly. Dogs running loose will be shot.

Kaukauna High School Students enjoying the recent snow fall.

December 24, 1929
Again Dr. H. B. Tanner, former Kaukauna mayor, now living in Eastland, Texas, has remembered the Kaukauna Times with mistletoe, gathered in Texas. Each year Dr. Tanner had sent the gift since located in Texas to the Times office. 
December 31, 1929
New gray and black 1930 auto license plates are becoming quite commonplace in Kaukauna as many car owners have received their new plates.

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