Saturday, February 29, 2020

Time Machine Trip to February 1970

Kaukauna Times - By Lyle Hansen

February 4, 1970

The cold wind and deep snow meant nothing to the drivers Sunday as the Fox Valley Sports Car Club stages its first trials of the year at Waverly Beach on Lake Winnebago.

Due to the closing of the former dump site in the Town of Buchanan, the Kaukauna board is considering alternate means of waste disposal. Two types of trash management were discussed. One process would be the burning of up to 48 tons of trash per day reducing it to 7% volume. The second method would be a landfill process. 

February 6, 1970

Patrolman John Carnot uses and inflatable splint to immobilize the arm of Sgt. Gerald Lopas as part of first aid training program for students.

February 11, 1970
The cause of the fire which took the lives of Mrs. Marvin Hooyman and four of her children in an early morning blaze on January 11 is still unknown according to Fire Chief Ted Smits. 

A new store at a new location was opened by the St. Vincent de Paul society of Kaukauna Monday in a step forward in a move to downtown Kaukauna. The society purchased the Second Street building next to the Vaudette theatre. The building was formerly the Stokes Grocery store.

February 18, 1970
Three Kaukauna High wrestlers qualified for the sectional tournament to be held in Green Bay on February 20 – 21. Mike Pomeroy at 137, Steve Van Schyndel at 145 pounds and   Norm Van Wychen at 115 pounds.

Zooming down the hill at Kaukauna’s Riverside City park was this happy youngster. Tim Schell manages a smile despite being snow-covered and cold on his saucer sled.

February 20, 1970
Holy Cross School assured itself a share of the Catholic Boys’ conference title Sunday with a win over St. John’s of Menasha to the tone of 58-42. The win left Holy Cross with a 13-0 record for the season. Both Holy Cross and St. John’s went into the game with 12-0 records.

 1970 Plymouth Hemi Cuda

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