Saturday, April 11, 2020

Time Machine Trip to April 1920

Kaukauna Times - By Lyle Hansen

April 1, 1920

Current Farmers and Merchants Bank on Main Avenue.

The Central Block, located on the corner of Second Street and Main Avenue, was purchased this week for $29,500 from John Stevens, of Appleton, by the Farmers and Merchants Bank of this city. The bank thus solves the problem of larger quarters which its rapidly growing business makes necessary and becomes the owner of the best location and best business block in the city.

Engineer Warneke of this city had a narrow escape when the switch engine on which he and another were working last Saturday was struck by a locomotive running from Appleton. The switch engine was backing down the yard when the two engines met with a crash that sent him through the cab window. 

April 8, 1920
Last Tuesday’s election resulted in the return of Mayor Charles E. Raught who defeated James E. McFadden, the Trades and Labor candidate by 246 votes.

The Gantter-Bedat bowling team of this city, 1920 state champions, returned home from Peoria, Ill., where the team participated in the national bowling tournament. Frank Hilgenberg in the singles won sixth place receiving the prize of $175.00. 

April 15, 1920

John Coppes of the Kaukauna Buick company accompanied by Ben Hurkman left last Friday for Milwaukee and returned home bringing the five passenger Buick car recently purchased by George Lemke.

Miss Katherine Gertz of The Times averted what might otherwise have resulted in a serious accident Wednesday afternoon. Royal Stegeman, an employee of The Times was replacing a belt in the basement and became caught by a revolving shaft. As soon as Mis Gertz felt the slackening of the machinery and heard Stegeman’s call for help she immediately threw off the power. The young man’s clothing was torn from the upper part of his body and skin torn from his chest and arms. Dr. Nolan was summoned and took the youth to his parent’s home to attend to his wounds. 

April 22, 1920
The cannon presented by the war department to the city arrived at the south side depot last Monday and will form an interesting addition to the city’s list of souvenirs. The cannon will be turned over the Kaukauna American Legion Post. Mayor Raught stated he favored that the cannon be placed at the top of Main Avenue hill overlooking the business section of the city at the site of the Soldiers’ Monument left exclusively for souvenirs of the Civil War.

The student body in our city high school contains a group of brainy young people in evident from THE ORANGE AND BLACK, the new monthly magazine published by the high school students, with Melvin Trams as editor in chief.

Joseph Gerend, ranking highest in the studies of the four years’ course with a grade of 94.5 will be valedictorian of the class of 1920 at the commencement in June. Miss Sybil Griffiths will be the salutatorian of the class having the second highest rank for the four years of 93.5.

When a call for five volunteers was made at the Thilmany Mill last Sunday to repair a house for an invalid fellow worker most of the entire mill force responded and placed their services art the sick man’s disposal. Carpenter, masons and other trade men forgot they already out in a good day’s work and cheerfully assumed this additional task on their day of rest. The result was that a dilapidated house on the outskirts of the city was put out in fine order in record time. Mike Pennek will now be able to wage his battle for health without worry of house problems.

April 29, 1920

Frank M. Charlesworth Jr. was recently elected city engineer and has opened an office in the public library building. Mr. Charlesworth was a Kaukauna High School graduate in 1908 and graduated from the state School of Civil Engineering in 1914.

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