Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Time Machine Trip to April 1950

Kaukauna Times - by Lyle Hansen

April 5, 1950
In an exceptionally light election yesterday, voters in the village of Little Chute returned Clarence Lamers and Arnold Van Asten to the village Board of Trustees, and elected John G. Wildenberg to replace Arthur Pennings on the board.

Joe Schouten was named the new vice-president of the Fox River Valley Baseball league at the spring meeting.

Mayor Joseph Bayorgeon is shown at his desk in the mayor’s office of the Municipal building Today started his third term as head of Kaukauna’s City Government. His election was unopposed, as was his previous election in 1948.

Major Nicholas C. Biersteker, former Little Chute man was recently awarded the distinguished service medal by the Greek government. He was presented the medal personally by King Paul I for aid in the fight against the Greek Communist guerrillas as a member of the American military mission in Greece.

April 7, 1950

Private Robert Agen, Kaukauna, is now serving in the Field Artillery Battalion at Camp Drew, Japan. Private Agen is shown with two Japanese dressed similar to the Americans.

April 12, 1950
Gordon Newhouse and Mildred Nelessen of Wrightstown will reign as king and queen at the annual Spring Prom of Wrightstown High School on Friday May 5. 

The public has voted, and the majority vote left little doubt of the wishes with 1205 yeas and 740 noes for an ordinance to prevent the owner of a dog or cat to run at large. Dogs must be under the direct control of the owner while outdoors. Cats too may be given a measure of freedom but not permitted to run at random and become objectionable to neighbors.

The recent dog ordinance brings back memories of an old story of the depression. A fellow out of work shot his dog because he had to be fed in the face of hard times. His wife and kids had to be fed too, so he sent them back home to her folks. He said: “It got so tough I had to shoot my dog, get rid of the family and if it gets any tougher, I’ll have to sell the car.”

April 14, 1950
Ruben Boelke, 54 Third street, suffered two broken legs yesterday, when a heavy roll of paper rolled onto him at the Thilmany Upper mill. Boelke had been working at Thilmany since 1943. He was treated at Appleton hospital where he is reported in good condition.

Two new city garbage dumps have been opened by order of the Board of Health in the area behind the ballpark off Dodge Street. The old garbage dump at the intersection of 10th street and Crooks avenue, will be officially closed. 

April 19, 1950

Kaukauna’s rodent pests will meet their match next week when and exterminating company moves in its crew on the city-wide rat hunt. The company expects the job will take at least three months. 

Glenn Wilpolt, formally of Kaukauna attending the University of Wisconsin, has been promoted to the business manager’s office of the student newspaper. The Daily Cardinal is one of the largest and most successful collegiate publications in the country. Glenn was employed at the Kaukauna Times before heading off to college.

The Rev. A. W. Van Dyke, 68, pastor of St. Nicholas church, Freedom, died Friday evening after an illness of several months.

April 21, 1950
Building permits were issued this week by Donald Mayo, city building inspector, for construction of six new all single-family dwellings will cost a total of $33,500.

Kenneth Meinert, Kaukauna, is serving as a navy physician at the navy hospital in San Diego, California. He has charge of a 140-bed hospital.

April 26, 1950

George R. Greenwood of Kaukauna was elected president of the Fox River Valley Funeral Directors at a meeting held last Monday.

April 28, 1950
Eugene DeGroot, seven-year-old Kaukauna boy took second place in the juvenile division of the baton twirling contest held last Saturday at Dundee, Ill. He was awarded a medal. Eugene competed against 25 other contestants with single and double batons.

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