Sunday, August 16, 2020

Time Machine Trip to August 1910


Kaukauna Times - August 1910

August 5, 1910

“Cy” Young won the five hundredth game of his long career recently when Cleveland defeated Washington 5-2, the game went 11 innings, Young allowed but one hit in eight.


“Ty” Cobb of the Detroit Tigers – “The success that I have had in baseball is primarily due to taking chances at all times to win games. A player must hustle every minute. Forget about yourself and dig for runs. When I am in a game I do not hear or see the crowd. I go with every bit of strength and speed I have, running out every hit ball as fast as possible. I would caution players not to pull, that is draw back, when the ball is pitched. This will result in the loss of your full swing. Steady practice can help in avoiding nervousness and your hitting will increase.”

August 12, 1910

An improvement has been made in the design of the motorcycle, which brings it nearer to the automobile class. It has a carriage body and seat with two wheels in the back. This improvement will make the motorcycle available to more people.


The drowsiness of a summer afternoon on Depot Street was suddenly broken Saturday by the escape of a young pig from a farmer's wagon as it jogged along to market. The porcine youngster broke the bars of his imprisoning box and leaped to the ground with a "wouff! wouff!" at every jump as he raced through neighboring garden plots. Street commerce was stopped while draymen, delivery boys, clerks and citizens joined in the chase to catch the diminutive porker. He wasn’t a "greased pig" exactly but he proved nearly as hard to capture slipping easily away from his would-be captors. At last Sam Darrow fell on him in a corner.


The petition of the manufacturers and businessmen along the Fox River Valley to the war department, asking permission to use the water from Lake Winnebago to flush the river, has been denied by the department. Government officials state that the lake is lower than it has been for forty-five years and that no water can be spared. According to observations taken the deficiency of rainfall is 3.65 inches for the month of July. The normal rainfall for the month of July, established by the records of previous years is 4.48 inches. The total deficiency from January to August 1 is eight inches, an extraordinary decrease in rain.

Samuel Gompers president of the American Federation of Labor, in a speech in Racine stated “I would vote for La Follette if it were the last thing I would do on earth. I am for the principle not for party. I have stood behind the progressives in Congress who demand justice for man against class”.

August 19, 1910

The Thilmany Pulp and Paper company of Kaukauna and the Wisconsin Tissue Paper Company are about to become pioneers on this river in the adoption of a new kind of power producing appliance, which if successful, will rapidly be resorted to by other mills. The appliance referred to is the De Lavel exhaust steam turbine, which is run by the exhaust steam from reciprocating engines.

The following rule has been adopted by the Wisconsin State Board of Health: "The use of the common drinking cup on railroad trains, in railroad stations, in the public parochial or private schools and in other educational institutions of the State of Wisconsin, is hereby prohibited from and after September 1, 1910." In compliance with this order, on and after September 1, 1910, the Chicago and Northwestern railway company will discontinue furnishing common drinking cups at all stations in the state of Wisconsin and trainmen will see that there are no drinking cups in the coaches within the limits of the state of Wisconsin.


August 26, 1910

Lightning wrought havoc in and around Kaukauna Monday evening burning quite a number of buildings and destroying other property. The storm commenced about 10:30 o'clock and for half an hour the heavens were ablaze with electricity of the sort that does much damage but makes little noise. There seemed to be one continual flash of lightning some of it quite near by and other discharges at a distance. Harold Tanner lost a horse and two cows; Fox’s barn destroyed; and the Kimberly depot burned to ground.


Coinage of the 2 ½ cent coin is being discussed in the east, on the theory that the use of such a coin would mean a savings of 39 million dollars a year to consumers. The absence of such a coinage has resulted in the custom of sellers taking the half cent when ever a transaction in made. Estimates have shown that the average family overpays $2.60 per year over what items sell for. 15 Million Families in the United States results the 39 million dollars in the over charges.

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