Monday, August 17, 2020

Time Machine Trip to August 1920

Kaukauna Times August 1920

August 5, 1920

Former service men on Wednesday noon easily recognized an old Canuck flying machine in which Lt. Hart Smith landed in Henry Welhouse’s field on the Little Chute Road. Lt. Smith is touring the country giving exhibitions at County fairs and taking passengers up for a ride.

August 12, 1920

Some vandal stole fifty plants from the square which stands the Soldiers’ Monument on Lawe Street. The ladies of the Women’s Relief Corps of this city had planted several beds at their own expense. 


Auburn Beauty-Six

Lester Van Roy had decided to drop the name of the Kaukauna Service Garage from his handsome new building on Wisconsin Avenue and will hereafter be called the Kaukauna Motor Car Company. Van Roy specializing in the distribution of the Auburn Beauty-Six.


During the thunderstorm early last Sunday morning lighting struck the tower of city fire department’s building.  Firemen Archy Langdon and Charley Miller were near the spot but didn’t know the tower got hit. Fireman Roberts also in the building said he knew it hit nearby.  A good size hole in the tower was noticed Monday by a passerby.


August 19, 1920

The railroad men of this city have received a wage award of the U.S. Labor Board, given an eight-hour day as against the nine hours of the past. As result now they will receive eight hours of pay per day not the nine hours as before. Machinist now receive $6.80 per day for 8 hours against $6.84 per day for 9 hours in the past.


Former Kaukauna boy Lieut. Samuel MacNeill of the U.S. Marine Corps was killed instantly August 18th at Carlstrom Field in Florida. The machine he was flying went into a tailspin and plunged 600 feet to the ground. He was the son of Rev. Samuel MacNeill the former pastor of the South Side Congregational Church. He graduated from Kaukauna High School in 1917 and enlisted in the Marine Corps.


August 26, 1920

Under the terms of the law it will be necessary for women if they wish to avail themselves of their new right of suffrage at the polls this fall to register at the place where they expect to vote.


The War Department is preparing for distribution of 3,500,000 Victory Medals for the former soldiers and nurses who served in the war.


Little Chute - The seven-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. John Segellink of Little Chute was buried on Saturday morning from St. John’s cemetery. The boy had only been sick for a few days. They were very unfortunate having buried a 3 year old son on Thursday.


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