Sunday, May 26, 2024

Time Machine Trip to May 1964


Kaukauna Times – May 1964

By Lyle Hansen

May 1, 1964

Today is opening day at the Kaukauna historic Grignon Home. This year the opening of the home has special interest to Kaukauna for it marks the return of its management to the City of Kaukauna. In the past years the Outagamie county parks committee was in charge of the maintenance of the home.


May 6, 1964

          Art Schmalz

Fellow townsmen and visitors 350 strong said "Thanks" to Art Schmalz Saturday night at a recognition dinner at the high school. Art was presented many awards and mementos in recognition for his community involvement throughout the years.


Two Kaukauna High School graduates were on hand recently when the Michigan Tech Huskies began intensive spring training activities. One of the young men is Dan Van Abel a returning letterman and the other Dennis Burns making his appearance.


All the members of the Green Bay Packers offensive back field have signed their contracts. Halfback Paul Hornung, Tom Moore and Elijah Pitts and quarterback Zeke Bratkowski signed this week. Previously head Coach Vince Lombardi announced as signed were quarterback Bart Starr and fullbacks Jim Taylor and Earl Gros.    


May 8, 1964

The Kaukauna Common Council Tuesday evening went on record opposing the proposed sale of the South Shore utility of Combined Locks to the Wisconsin Michigan Power company of Appleton as requested by the Wisconsin Public Service commission. Mayor Bayorgeon stated “The city of Kaukauna should oppose the sale as it is not in the public interest.

Miss Jill Hardtke, 12-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elroy Hardtke, was recently named the Poppy Queen of the ninth district of the American Legion


May 13, 1964

The Grignon Home Committee, at a recent meeting authorized the hiring of three girls to serve as guides at the home during the summer months.


A large portion of the damage sustained in Kaukauna in Friday night’s storm was confined to private residents. The Kaukauna Utility reported $2500 damage to its equipment. 


May 15, 1964

Arthur H. Mongin, Jr., who has sold Green Bay Packers football tickets in Kaukauna for thirty years, received a special award from the football club at the annual stockholders’ meeting.  The plaque bears the inscription “Presented to Art Mongin in recognition of devoted service and great contributions on behalf of the Green Bay Packers.  


The Kaukauna Ghosts initiated the new Dodge Street baseball diamond as they rolled to an 8-0 decision over the Shawano Indians, undaunted by a steady drizzle throughout most of the game. Scoring festivities for the Ghosts got off to an early start as lead-off man Tim Verstegen took a full count and then launched a booming triple. He would then score on a pitch that got past the catcher. 


May 20, 1964

       Eugene DeBruin 

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph DeBruin, Kaukauna, received word that their son, Eugene DeBruin, 30, presently a prisoner of the pro-communist Pathet Lao troops, will be released soon. DeBruin’s plane was shot down over Laos on Sept 5 while dropping food supplies. He was one of five that survived the crash. The announcement was made by Prince Souphanouvong, Pathet Lao leader, according to AP press dispatches. Information received stated he was being treated well by his captures. Air America, the concern which DeBruin was affiliated, has suspended its operations in Laos.

Update January 2010 – Information released through the U.S. freedom of information act confirmed that the U.S. government did not request the return of POWs held in Laos. Eugene and over 300 were left behind and never returned home.      

The City of Kaukauna will become a hotbed of barbershop harmony on Sunday when more than 300 barbershoppers from Wisconsin and upper Michigan meet in competition in the Kaukauna Civic auditorium.

New directors of Kaukauna Chamber of Commerce were announced at the recent meeting. Herbert Schuelke and Harold Winker will take office at the next meeting.

May 22, 1964


Final arrangements are currently being completed throughout the city of Kaukauna for the Region Sixth “Alice in Dairyland" program which is scheduled to get under way Saturday. Carol Jean Stebane will represent Kaukauna and Lynn Peeters will represent Little Chute, along with eleven other girls from this section of the state who will be competing to become "Alice."       


Dr. David Derus an alumnus of Kaukauna High School had been selected as the 1964 Commencement speaker, according to an announcement by Principal Walter Schmidt. 


The Kaukauna Ghosts diamond crew Monday afternoon resumed their winning ways after a loss to Menasha last Friday, as they copped a 3-1 victory over Clintonville behind the no-hit pitching of Dave O’Brien.


May 27, 1964

The 1964 Junior prom royalty and their court. Left to right are Dan Biese, 1963 Prom King, Dennis DeBruin and Sue O’Connor, sophomore representatives, King John Martens and Queen Leone King, James Rademacher and Nancy Schouten, senior representatives, and Lynn Leddy and John Van De Hey, freshman representatives. 


The Kaukauna Galloping Ghost Baseball team, having won the co-championship of the Mid-Eastern conference, along with the Menasha Blue Jays, is currently preparing for the finals in the Preble district WIAA meet.


 May 29, 1964

Over 100 eighth graders from the St. Mary’s Catholic School will be receiving their diplomas on Sunday, May 31.

Paul A. Hietpas was re-elected President of the 1964-65 Kaukauna Chamber of Commerce at a recent meeting of the group. Joseph Walsh was elected Vice-President and Harold Winkler was named Treasurer.

The 2nd annual science fair at Kaukauna’s Holy Cross grade school will be held this Sunday. Students shown with their contributions are left to right. Roy Kortz, Mary Sue Van Dyke, Jane Vandenberg, Diane VanDynHoven, Terry Achten, Greg Heindel, Kevin O’Connor, James Nelessen and Patrick Bayorgeon. Behind the children are Sister Jeanne D’ Arc. Principal and at right Sister Boniface.


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