Sunday, March 2, 2025

Time Machine Trip to March 1885


Kaukauna Times 

By Lyle Hansen

March 6, 1885

Local politicians are now talking and thinking about filling some city offices this spring. Let the best men be chosen, and don't try to pick them all from one side of the river. When anyone tries to play hog he generally "gets left."


The United Sates fish commission has succeeded in the introduction of carp. At least 25,000 people have assisted in the planting of carp in this country. This fish should soon become plenty in our markets.


A man was lately refused admission to a skating rink at Stamford, Conn., because he didn’t wear a collar.


Minnie Hanson, the little Racine girl who was so terribly burned while fighting a fire to save the life of her infant sister, will have to suffer the amputation of both of her hands.


An Indian girl by the name “Lily-walk-in-the water-same-shape-all-the-way-down-foot-just-like-a-board” lives in Dane County.


March 13, 1885

Wm. Brierman, a saloon keeper from Forest Junction, came to Ledyard this week, seemingly for the purpose of having a little fun, and proceeded to fill up with intoxicants as the first step in this direction. His next step was taken in another direction, and brought him into Justice Albers' office, where it required the sum of $5.00 in hard cash to pay for his little drunk, to say nothing of lodging overnight in the "little brown jug."


A minister forgot to take his sermon with him to church and his wife discovering the mistake sent a small boy to deliver it to him. When the boy returned for payment she asked him. “Did you deliver the sermon?” “No mum,” he replied “I jus giv it to him, he’s a deliverin it himself.”


During the execution of Dr. Goerson, at Philadelphia on the 5th Joseph Barrett confined in a cell near the gallows was overcome by fright and was found dead after the hanging. 


An agent of the Apache Indian Right Association has recently published a report of the outrages practiced upon the wards by the interior department. Inflated prices have been charged the Indians by contractors employed by the government.


A council of physicians are of the opinion that General Grant will not die suddenly but that he will remain out of bed will be impossible. Nothing can be done for his cancerous trouble but the use of cocaine to ease the pain.


March 20, 1885

On March 25th, the Act of Legislature which consolidated the two villages becomes a law and Kaukauna and Ledyard, thus bound together, will never more be parted. The first city election will take place two weeks later.


Connecticut set a good example in sentencing 3 bank officers to hard labor in the state prison for 4 to 5 years for embezzlement.  The young bank employees must learn that dishonesty never pays.


March 27, 1885


The employees of the N.W. depot complain with just cause of the men who come to that station and occupy the ladies' waiting room. Gentlemen should remember that there is a room for them at the depot, and unless they are accompanied by a lady, it would look better for them to wait there.


Western Washer

Charleston, W. Va., - People are in bad condition and on the verge of starvation. They are asking for bread. Animals are starving to death. The condition of the farmers is distressing. For months there has not been any rise in mountain streams that are used to bring timbers down. The winter was severe, and the people are poor and with no work.




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