Friday, February 28, 2025

Time Machine Trip to February 1975


Kaukauna Times

By Lyle Hansen

February 5, 1975

A theft of about $45 from Van Zeeland Implement was discovered by patrolling police officers Sunday morning. Later that day another breaking was discovered down the same road at the Hyland House Supper Club. The break in of the juke box was not successful. An apple pie was taken, and that evidence was destroyed by being eaten in a nearby field.


Proudly displaying their winning entries in the Pinewood Derby are three Cub Scouts from Pack 27. First place went to Tim Huss, center, Ken Vander Steen, at left was awarded third place and Todd Henricks, right, came in second. 


February 7, 1975


Sgt. Fran Wedan is preparing a report in the main office of the new Kaukauna Police Station Offices.


A counterfeit $20 bill has turned up in Kaukauna according to James Brogan, vice president of the Bank of Kaukauna.


February 12, 1975


Dr. John C. Whitman, formerly of Kaukauna, examines a patient in the emergency room at Lock Haven Hospital, Lock Haven, Pennsylvania. Dr. Whitman is a new staff member of the hospital’s emergency room.



Diane Rott, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Rott, Kaukauna, graduated from Fort Jackson, South Carolina. She will be taking M.P. training at Fort Gordon, Georgia.  


February 19, 1975


Fred Haas, the Ghosts 167 pounder, is the only wrestler to carry the orange and black into the WIAA Sectional tournament this weekend at New London. Haas will take a 22-4-0 mark into the competition the best by far for the Ghost squad.  


February 26, 1975


Four newly promoted firemen in Kaukauna are driver engineer Wayne Vanevenhoven, Assistant Chief Thomas Roberts, Capt. Thomas Jansen and driver engineer Jerald Kobussen watched as new firemen Robert Nack and Leon Van Toll study emergency textbooks. 


Four KHS girls were selected as basketball princesses to reign over Color Day activities on January 31. Kaye Kroll, senior, Karen Desotell, junior, Carol Schmidt, sophomore and Carol Kerkhof, freshman.


Currently showing their artwork at the Bank of Kaukauna Community Center are three Kaukauna residents, Mrs. Betty Van Dyke Driessen, Hank Drechsler and Tom McGinnis.



Peter Hatchell, a member of St. Aloysius church Boy Scout troop recently received the highest rank in Boy Scouts the Eagle award at the court of honor breakfast. 

“Look what my Mommy caught” Joel Karls of Stockbridge, left, tells his cousin Jim Hansen of Kaukauna, as they look over the 63-pound sturgeon Janet Karls speared Wednesday on Lake Winnebago.

Darrel Wittmann of Boy Scout Troop 27 was presented with the Eagle Scout badge. Pictured left to right Roland Wittmann, Wally Mooney, Darrel, Mrs. Roland Wittmann and Scoutmaster George Hibbard.

More than 800 spectators flooded the Holy Cross gym to witness the Kaukauna Boxing Club’s first home boxing card of the season Wednesday evening. 

Clayton Vandenbroek speared a 97-pound sturgeon, one of the largest taken this season on Lake Winnebago. 

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