By Lyle Hansen
February 2, 1955
Master Sergeant John Kramer is visiting his
parents on Sarah Street. He has been in the Air Force for the past 12 years and
will be leaving for France on February 18.
Pvt. Marvin R. Hietpas
is home on a 14-day furlough after completing basic training at Ft. Leonard
Wood, Mo. He will be returning there for additional training.
The Kaukauna Common Council Tuesday night approved reducing the width of the sidewalks on 2nd street from 12 feet to 8 feet. This change will add 8 feet to the width of 2nd street.
Before a packed house of wild Kaukauna partisans at the KHS gym the Ghosts defeated the Menasha Bluejays by a score of 71-68. The Friday night game was one of the hottest and closest scoring fracases the Kaus have encountered this season. Kaukauna had the usual five starters on the floor against Menasha, Jim Otte serving at pivot, Ray Vils and Joe Van Linn as forwards and Mike Walsh and Jim Rausch as guards. Dan Rausch, Cal Engerson, Ron Welch, Don Ristau and Bruce Kemp will fill in as needed.
Kenneth Schumann, Wisconsin Ave., Kaukauna, enlisted in the Air Force on January 17. He is stationed at Lackland Air Force Base, San Antonia, Texas.
The roster of wrestlers who will take part in the Lion sponsorship matches at the KHS gym were released. The “pride of Oconto County” Little Atlas at 190 pounds will tangle with Doug Henderson, a 185 pounder from Dallas, Texas. The second match will be between Carol Cook, of Toledo, Ohio and Lynn Livingston of Webster, New York two rugged wrestlers.
February 9,
A Kaukauna youth, Clifford Hook, Desnoyer Street,
was included among the eight men of Outagamie County inducted into the armed
forces in February.
Kenneth Schumann, Wisconsin Ave., Kaukauna,
enlisted in the Air Force on January 17. He is stationed at Lackland Air Force
Base, San Antonia, Texas.
February 11,
One of the newest telephone numbers available
to local users is 4-0123 “time-of day”. The telephone company reported 56,600
calls to this number in a recent 5-day period.
Webelo’s awards,
highest honor in cub scouting, were awarded to Richard Swanningson and Pat Ryan
who appear with their mothers and Mervin Hansen cub scout master of Pack 27 at
St. Mary’s Scout-O-Rama and Blue and Gold dinner.
Dale Siebers and Robert Greenwood, shown with their parents, received the Eagle
Scout badges.
Harold F.
Faust is currently spending a 25-day leave at the home of
his parents Mr. and Mrs. Michael Faust of Kaukauna. For the past eight months
he has been stationed with the U.S. Coast Guard at Neah Bay Station, Wash.
February 16,
The Kaukauna Saving and Loan Association
re-elected all officers at its recent annual meeting. They are C. J. Hansen,
president; W. C. Hess, vice president; Leo H. Schmalz, secretary, treasurer and
Pvt. Earl
T. Jacoby, W. 5th Street, Kaukauna, left recently for Fort Sill,
Okla., where he is stationed with the army.
Donald R. Kessler, yeoman second class,
USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Kessler, Kaukauna, is serving at Sangley Point
in the Philippine Islands with Administration.
A/2C James L. George, son of Mr. Mrs.
Hurbert George, Kaukauna. Writes to his parents that the weather in France is
similar to back home. He has been stationed in France since November.
February 23,
Green Bay Packer Coach Lisle Blackbourn
announced the Packers will select players in the 1954 crop of college players
that will fill positions weakened by retirement and by the draft of the armed
forces. The Packer’s first pick was Tom Bettis, offensive guard. The next pick
was Jim Temp, of Wisconsin, who played offense and defense.
Keith Head
The Wisconsin and northern Michigan Golden
Gloves championship was held at the Milwaukee Arena. Keith Head of Kaukauna
took on John Ruskis of Escanaba, Michigan in the 160 to 175 class. Ruskis, who
is quite a bit taller than Head and had a reach advantage, gave the Kaukaunan
some difficulty in the opening rounds connecting with a right to the nose of
Head in the second round that made the blood flow. Head’s hammering blows in
the second had the Escanaba boy holding on as the bell sounded. Head’s TNT
loaded fists had Ruskis backing up the rest of the fight. Giving the Kaukauna
boy the win.
The Tennessen brothers, Bill and Louis paused
temporarily while cleaning out their operations at the Farm Equipment Company
on Second Street to pose in front of the building where they maintained their
blacksmith shop and farm equipment building for more than 30 years. The
building was sold to Henry Carstens and Son.
Pvt. Theodore L. Tilly,
route 3, Kaukauna, is home on leave and will leave for Aberdeen, Md., where he
is now stationed with an ordnance company.
February 25,
The Green Ghosts of
Kaukauna’s Holy Cross School last Saturday became the uncontested champions of
the City Grade school basketball league as they round up the season undefeated
in nine starts. The lads trained under the coaching of Dave Flanagan and Robert
Main. St. Mary’s from the south side were the second-place winners, Trinity Lutheran
came in third with a 3-6 record and Park took the cellar spot with but two
1955 Holy
Cross grade school Basketball team – Front row left to right are Gary
Vanevenhoven, Gary Senso, Dan Lamers, Cyril Vander Horst and Ed Leiding, the
regular starters for the cagers. In the back row are Fred Steger, Don Frank,
Howard Mullen, Mike Coffey, Jim Martzahl, Bill Welch, Jerry Coffey, Paul
Martzahl, Jim Steger and Coach Dave Flanagan.
week was officially proclaimed by Mayor Joseph Bayorgeon at the first meeting
of the committee Friday afternoon. Present at the occasion were the Rev. John
Scheib, Abe Goldin, Mayor Bayorgeon and T. H. Boebel.
1955 Buick Super
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