Kaukauna Times
By Lyle Hansen
February 3, 1965
Kaukauna defeated Two Rivers 80-68 on the
Raiders home court to win a second-place birth in the Mid-Eastern Conference
The Kaukauna varsity wrestlers racked up their fourth
win Thursday over Neenah 43-10. They are
now 4-0-1 in the league and 5-3-1 overall.
Season ticket holders for the Packers home
games received renewal notices in the mail this week. The letter accompanying
the notice said the Packers have requests for 12,000 additional season tickets
and that more seats will be added to the stadium for the 1965 season.
Although the temperatures skated to the -20°
mark on Saturday, members of the American Legion Post No. 41 held a toll bridge
for the March of Dimes from 7 AM to 5 PM on Law Street. $650 was collected by
the volunteer workers for the March of Dimes drive.
Funeral services were held Monday for Frederick
Peter Steffen, city editor of the Kaukauna Times, who died Thursday of a
heart ailment. He was 39. Steffen came to Kaukauna in 1953 and in the 12 years
here he made a host of friends. The stories promoting special events earned him
many a thank you.
Len Hawley bombed a 230 singleton and a 381 two
game series to pace the Boys Teenage league bowlers.
February 5, 1965
Thilmany Pulp and Paper Company reported record
net sales in 1964 a 40,134,286 at the firm's annual stockholders meeting
February 4. This represents a gain of 5.8% over 1963 and was the third
consecutive record year in sales.
February 10, 1965
The Kaukauna Galloping Ghost varsity wrestlers
tie for the top spot in the standings with a 39 to 13 victory over Clintonville
at the KHS gym Thursday.
Dick Walker blasted a 235 game and Don Erdmann
fired a 637 series to lead the Keglers in the men's majors February 1 at the
Bowling Bar.
Lucille Schmidt pounded out a national honor
count last Thursday at the Bowling Bar, with a 628 series. This is the second
ladies national honor count this season.
Workmen at the Keller Structures firm located 2
miles south of Kaukauna on Highway 55, were forced into the subzero cold
shortly after 1 PM Thursday as flames erupted and destroyed the building in
which they were working.
February 12, 1965
Mark Bachhuber, 20-year-old
Kaukaunan, is home on furlough this week after an exciting and hazardous year
in South Vietnam as a member of a US Army helicopter crew. Spec. 4 Bachhuber, a
gunner, served on 75 missions of which 26 were involved in direct combat
Mike Niesz blasted games of 223, 257 and 214
for a 694 series to lead the Businessmen's league at the Bowling Bar.
February 17, 1965
Bruce Kilsdonk is shown being presented an
award from the U.S. Treasury Department by Kaukauna Postmaster Robert Grogan.
Bruce, a seventh-grade student at St. Aloysius school is the first student to
complete a savings stamp album in the school program. Looking on is Bruce’s
teacher Sister Mary Antonette.
A splash of white cream across much of the
intersection of Main and Second Street followed a spilled milk accident Tuesday
morning. A milk van driven by a Kimberly man, who was picking up cans of milk
from farmers, was rounding the corner when a side door opened and six of the
large cans toppled out. Spilled milk –
– white ice!
Fire damage in the city of Kaukauna for the
year 1964 rose to the fourth highest figure in the past decade, according to a
report issued by Kaukauna Fire Chief William Haupt. The total estimated loss
for the year came to $20,164.
The Kaukauna High School varsity grapplers
suffered their first conference loss of the season as Two Rivers mat men
defeated the Kaws 41-6 in a match at the KHS gym last Thursday.
Marine Lance Cpl. Bruce L. Werschem,
Kaukauna, is currently stationed with Service Company, Headquarters Battalion
First Marine Division Camp Pendleton, Calif.
The Kaukauna High School varsity grapplers
suffered their first conference loss of the season as Two Rivers mat men
defeated the Kaws 41-6 in a match at the KHS gym last Thursday.
February 19, 1965
John W. Renn, Kaukauna, has been promoted to Captain
while serving at the Army General hospital in Nancy, France.
When a fresh snowfall covers the landscape
around Kaukauna, Dave Doolittle and his fox hunting buddies are on the trail of
the wile game. So far this winter they have bagged 47 foxes and one coyote.
The board of directors of the Fox Valley Golf Club
has approved the purchase of land for the construction of a new 18-hole golf
course at their February meeting. The land lies four miles north Kaukauna
bordered on the north by County trunk UU and on the east by Weyers Road.
Michael, 3 left and
Robert, 4, Eskimo boys. with their adoptive mother Mrs. Gladys Fravel, visited
the fourth grade of Mrs. Andrew Weyers, standing at St. Mary’s Wednesday. Mrs.
Fravel operated a store in Point Barrow, Alaska, for the past 15 years, and is
now back in town.
One hundred and
thirteen 7th graders from Kaukauna schools attended the first
segment of the Baby Sitting clinic, February 20. The program was held at the
Kaukauna Vocational school. Michael
Romenesko is pictured holding little Susan Steffens who was used for the live
demonstration. The other babysitters are left to right Jane Giordana, Linda
Meinert and Janice Schauer.
Robert J. Verkuilen, USN Little Chute, has
departed for the Mediterranean. He is aboard the aircraft carrier USS
The Eagle badge the
highest award in Boy Scouting was presented to Robert Jansen at the Blue and
Gold dinner at St. Mary’s Church cafeteria Sunday evening. Shown left to right
are scoutmaster’s Howard Veldman and Elmer Vander Wyst, Robert’s parents Mr. and
Mrs. Norman Jansen, Louis Schultz and Wallace Mooney.
February 24, 1965
The grand opening of the new Rose Hill Hide-Away
on Hwy 96 between Kaukauna and Little Chute will be Monday, March 1, 1965.
Matt Miller Saloon - Rose Hill - 1910
Josie’s - Rose Hill – 1965
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