Kaukauna Times
By Lyle Hansen
October 2, 1924
The Cleveland American League
Club is booked to play in Oshkosh on Sunday. This will give the fans in this
vicinity a chance to see the former world champion team in action.
October 16, 1924
Although the weather was a bit warm for football
Sunday a huge crowd of fans were treated to a grand display on the local
gridiron when the Legion team humbled Manitowoc’s pride.
The bubbler located on the corner of Main Avenue
and Second Street, which has been out of commission for some time now has been
repaired and ready for the thirsty pedestrians this winter.
The pavement dance which was held here on
Wednesday night was put over in regular style and was a howling success. The
Little Chute band and the orchestra furnished the music.
Honeybees were helping
three federal prohibition officers this week. It appears that a swarm of bees
took up their abode in a nearby still. Unsuspecting
their presence, the owner visited his plant when the wind officers made their
presence known by an immediate infliction of the penalty.
The Statue of Liberty in America is declared a
national monument by President Calvin Coolidge.
October 23, 1924
Archie Creviere was elected post commander of
the American Legion No. 41 Tuesday evening. George Heindel was elected First
Post Commander, Second Vice. Post Commander, Gerald Brenzel; Bert Brensike, Service
Officer; George Egan, Finance Officer; George Dogot.
Quite a few football fans witnessed the defeat
of the Milwaukee Badgers by the Green Bay Packer Sunday at Green Bay.
October 30, 1924
An offender pleaded guilty - "Here I stand without a leg to stand
Peter Van Dinter of Little Chute purchased a
new Essex coach, which he drove from Milwaukee.
The winning streak is spreading all over town.
Even the youngsters have caught the fever as witness the scores of the three
games won by the eighth graders of St. Mary’s school. The lads won from
Kimberly 35–0; from Menasha High School second team 45–0; from St. John’s
school Appleton, 14 to 0.
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