Friday, May 6, 2022

Time Machine Trip to May 1922


Kaukauna Time - May 1922

By Lyle Hansen

May 4, 1922

On Monday evening, at Corcoran's Hall, the World War Veterans was organized. Election of officers consisted of the following men: Oscar Jerke, post commander; Walton B. Cooper, vice commander; Jules Mertes, Financial secretary; George Giesbers, recording secretary; Joe Promer, treasurer; Ernest Geelow, sergeant-at-arm; Arthur Schubring, trustee; and Joe Gerend, trustee.

May 11, 1922

The chief of police was notified of strange goings on at the candy store about midnight last night. It appears that the owner had noticed a pretty black and white kitty taking refuge under his store. He secured a long stick and undertook to poke the kitty in the ribs but all in vain for the kitty retreated beyond reach. Going indoors the candy man procured his gun, shoved it under the porch and fired both loads of shot at the kitty's fiery eyeballs. Several former servicemen thought the Germans had gassed the city and the neighbors were almost positive that the sulphite mill had moved next door. Vale! Invictae skunkius.  In vain did the candy man empty vials of expensive perfume and buckets of fragrant toilet waters in and around, above and within the hole. The candy man soon learned that not all the perfumes of Kaukauna could expel the heavy odor which the dying kitty in its last moments left as a precious legacy.


May 18, 1922

E. H. Thompson has leased the Grand View Hotel, on the corner of Main avenue and Third street. Mr. Thompson intends to make a few changes such as installing a lunch counter in the bar area.


Rev. Jacob Bollenbacher

Thirty-five years ago, a small group of people felt that the Reformed Church should establish a mission in Kaukauna. These people became the first members of the Reformed Church and decided in the presence of Rev. Jacob Bollenbacher organized May 26, 1887. For the first three years services were held in the German language.  


May 25, 1922

Dr. William Nolan has received 120,000 walleyed pike which he will plant in the Fox River between Combined Locks and Kaukauna. Because of the good feed in this area the fish are expected to gain a pound each year. This practice will take place each year and is expected to make this area one of the finest fishing spots in the state.

The Lincoln Memorial is receiving its finishing touches before dedication which will take place Decoration Day. The statue was created by Daniel Chester French.

Kaukauna High School Graduates - Class of 1922


KHS graduates list 24 students,



Beatrice Carnot Balgie

Hawkon Hovde

George Black

Elsie Mae Look

Laura Therese Deering

Reuben W. Goese

Lorraine Mary Hansen

Marie Carolyn Gossens

Mark E. Griffith

Ruth Helen Radermacher

John F. Mueller

Richard Smith

Mabel Olson

Ruth Marie Trettin

Joseph B. Schlude



Helena Clare Copp

Mary Elizabeth Fredendall

John Torval Hale



Ruth Agnes Denzer

Lorraine Marie Thelen

Mildred O. C. Luedtke

Gladys May Williams

Esther Anna Piepenburg

Susy Jane Williams




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